Chapter 39

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(At Jaku General Hospital)

All Might sat in a chair next to Ranboo's bed in his buff form while reading a book on teaching. It wasn't long before Ranboo opened his eyes and began freaking out due to the tube in his throat he attempted to pull it out but All Might quickly put his arms down stopping him. "Calm down Ranboo it's a breathing Tube. I'll get someone to remove but just don't touch it," Ranboo nodded his head understandingly and waited as All Might walked out of the room to find someone to help remove it. He quickly returned with a nurse to remove the breathing tube replacing it with a nasal cannula because he was still having minor trouble breathing.

"How are you feeling Ranboo?" All Might asked

"Everything hurts," He replied in a raspy voice.

"I'll ask the nurse if she can give you painkillers when she returns until then do you wanna talk to tubbo?"


All Might pulled out his phone and face-timed Aizawa who took his time to answer. "What is it All Might?" Aizawa said answering.

"I have great news Ranboo woke up," All Might said happily. "And I remember Tubbo saying he wanted to know when Ranboo woke up." Aizawa turned and called to Tubbo who came running over to see what was going on.

"Hi All Might," Tubbo said happily

All Might smiled and turned the phone towards Ranboo who waved to his husband, "OMG RANBOO!" Tubbo shouted joyfully. "How are you? When are you coming home?"

"I don't know Tubbo I just woke up less than an hour ago so," Ranboo relied

"Wow you're voice is horrible," Tubbo said "but I have something that'll cheer you up."

"Tubbo seeing you is bring more than enough hap-" Ranboo then saw his son come into frame and a big smile grew on his face. "HI MICHEAL!"

"BOO BOO!" Micheal said happily reaching out to the phone.

"When did you arrive," Ranboo asked

"He arrived the day you left for the hospital a few others fell as well," Tubbo answered. "And Phils crows returned as well."

"Awww I wish I could've been there," Ranboo said before breaking into a coughing fit. All Might turned the phone back to him, "Alright Tubbo I'll call back later but Ranboo needs some rest okay."

All Might hung up the phone just as Ranbbo caught his breath. "I didn't know you had a son," All Might said.

"Yeah me and Tubbo try not to talk about him to make so we wouldn't have to worry about him getting hurt," Ranboo said laying back down. "You know he actually took on my last name."

"Really? What's your last name," All Might asked

"It's Mybeloved Tubbo gave it to me since I couldn't remember my original last name," Ranboo said with a big smile. All Might couldn't help but smile as well seeing him happy after being comatose for days.


"Goddamn, it!" Dream yelled as the alarm went off signaling that he lost. Techno's team's house was completely built while his team barely had four walls. "Dream we're tired," Kirishima said.

"Yeah dipshit if you had actually set up the rules properly we probably would've won the first time round," Bakugo said.

Team 2 was jumping around and cheering happily, "Tommy did you hear! We won you're free now," Uraka said grabbing Tommy's hand. Tomm pulled his hand away annoyed, "I didn't need your help I could've freed myself at any time I wanted!" Uraka and the other's were in disbelief that ommy would act such away after everything they risked. Bakugo was about to slam his face into the ground but stopped when Tommy spoke quietly, "But thanks for the help anyways okay."

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