Looking into his verdant eyes, she could see that was all that truly mattered to him. How could she have ever doubted his feelings for her? It was plain as day on his face, on full display for the whole world to see, a big neon sign that said: "I'm in love with Kinsey Ashe."

Dayton stepped onto the roof, chest heaving. He had a fresh gash along his chest, but it didn't look fatal--or that it bothered him at all. He was only concerned for his brother. "Damon?"

"We're good." He pulled himself up to his feet and helped Kinsey stand, keeping an arm around her waist.

Dayton clapped him on the back with a big grin. "The entire building has been evacuated. Kalem and Camen are outside doing some damage control."

Kinsey could hear the sirens below them. She hoped the casualties were kept at a minimum.

Damon saw her concern and kissed the top of her head. "Let's get out of here, hmm? I want someone to have a look at your shoulder."

She wasn't going to argue with him there. The pain in her shoulder was agony.

Just when she stepped for the door, a vicous screech shook the air. Damon yanked her back, tucking her behind him protectively.

Moments later, the homunculi ran out of the narrow exit. The two winged monsters took flight as soon as they could, disappearing into the night's sky. The beastly homunculi lunged off the roof, easily clearing the street below it, and landed on the building opposite them. The last one slithered down the side of the building, slipping into the dark alleyway behind.

Dayton blinked off the edge, amazed the homunculi had entirely ignored them. "Fuck."

"I'll say," Damon agreed unethusiastically. "You know what I'm going to ask of you, don't you?"

Dayton waved it off. "Yeah, yeah. I'll make a few calls. No rest for the wicked, eh?"

"Never." Damon smiled like he wouldn't want it any other way.

He may not mind that four monsters had been unleashed upon the city, but Kinsey felt wretched. If it weren't for her, they would have never gotten free. "I'm so sorry."

Dayton shrugged casually, like it wasn't a big deal. "Nah, don't worry about it. My men need something to keep them sharp, anyway. This'll be perfect."

Kinsey felt green.

"Everything will be all right, Kinsey. We'll take care of it." Then Damon didn't give her another chance to worry; he picked her up, holding her comfortably in his arms. "For now, let me take care of you."

"I'm fine." She didn't want him worrying about her with those monsters out on the loose.

Damon gave her a look that left no room for argument. "You're losing a lot of blood, Kins. We need to get that iron bullet out of you."

It hadn't occurred to her that she was feeling sick and lightheaded due to blood loss.

Relenting, she let him carry her down the stairs. At some point, the sprinklers had gone off, leaving puddles on the floor. Blood--not hers, both shifter and human--ran through the building like rivers from Hell. She smelt the bodies before she could see them and quickly buried her head in Damon's shoulder. She had only wanted to save the shifters, but so many people had died in the process, it didn't seem worth it.

Not until they stepped outside. The entire block was quadranted off. Police cars and ambulances stood on standby, helping the hundreds of refugees in need of medical attention or help. Amongst the chaos before them, she spotted Cera talking with Kalem and a burly man who looked like a younger yet more troubled version of Damon. Behind the burly men, Sabrina sat on the hood of an SUV, peering over the sea of heads, looking for her.

Bane of My ExistenceWhere stories live. Discover now