Chapter 29

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Kinsey had been awake for a while now, but it was only until recently she could move without pain lancing some part of her body. She was still strapped in her chair; Echo stood vigilantly beside her, like a bodyguard--or her captor. She wasn't entirely sure what tests Carissa had run on her, and she wasn't around for her to ask.

She was terrified.  Of this place.  Of her sister.

She wanted out.

Echo turned to her when she struggled with the restraints. A grim smile touched the corner of his mouth. "You've recovered quickly."

"Have I?" She didn't feel it. Her whole body was sore. "Do I have to stay here much longer?"

His smile fell flat. "No. Carissa said you can go back to your work for the time being. She will call on you later."

"How much later are we talking?" Spending time with her sister wasn't something she looked forward to anymore. What an idiot she had been, admiring her, trying to be just like her. What a waste.

Kinsey wanted nothing to do with her or this place.

Echo didn't answer her, only began unbuckling the straps. She was wary to stretch at first, but it felt too good to resist and the pain she feared was no longer hindering her.

"This way." Echo gestured to the only door like she was a hopelessly lost child. "I am to take you to your office."

"I can figure out how to get there, thanks." she grit out.

He snarled, barring his teeth at her. "You will do as you're told."

Then he took choice out of the equation, grabbing her arm and hauling her through the double steel doors. It took them straight to a dark hallway, very similar to the one she had walked through last night. Glass windows on the walls showcased the people locked up inside, the horrible condition they were in. Thankfully, none of them were presently being tortured.

Kinsey looked around for a keypad or lock--something that would unlock their cells--but there was nothing on the walls.

They must unlock everything remotely.

They reached the end of the hallway for another steel door. It opened before Echo could touch it. Victor was on the other side, and, more importantly, the security office.

There were a billion monitors, one for each cell behind them. They were labeled according to the floor, location, and security threat. Beside every monitor was a button, presumably one that unlocks the cell.

She was too busy trying to think of a way to systematically free everyone at once to realise Victor was talking to her.

She smiled stupidly him, hoping it wasn't obvious she wasn't paying attention.

He beamed in his navy blue suit. A silver tie shimmered in the florescent lighting hanging overhead.  "Wonderful. Come along."

Oh, no. What did she agree to?

Echo didn't budge. "Juliette is supposed to go to her office and continue her work."

Victor set a furious glare on the Mutant. "Kinsey is one of us. She deserves a proper tour of the facility before being asked to continue her work."

Echo's gaze dropped to Kinsey, blank, impassive, before lifting back up to Victor. Silently, he stepped aside then fell into step behind them as they passed.

They crossed the office, cutting through the armory. At least, Kinsey couldn't think of any other way to describe the small room. The shelves were stocked to the brim with assault rifles, pistols, bullet proof vests, and ammunition.

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