Chapter 12

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Kinsey had all but screamed when she saw the hickey on her throat this morning. Not even cover up could hide the obvious mark.

It had been hot when Damon was kissing her yesterday, but now she had to go to work with a hickey stapled on her neck.

Luckily, the weather called for a scarf and nobody questioned her when she kept it on all day. The worst of it was during her lunch with Carissa. The restaurant they went to was stifling hot and Kinsey struggled to keep her hands away from the scarf. Carissa didn't appear to notice; she was more focused on Kinsey's progress.

Kinsey didn't mind spending time with her sister, but she certainly felt the pressure of getting her project done. She had to assure her many times that it was underway and would be done by the end of the month, but it didn't feel like enough. What was Kinsey supposed to do? These things took time. Carissa, more than anyone, should understand, being a scientist herself.

When Kinsey got home, however, Sabrina had an entire arsenal full of jokes and remarks about Kinsey's hickey. But, mostly, her best friend wanted the juicy details, of which Kinsey foolishly promised to indulge once they got to the mall.

The instant Sabrina parked in a stall, she faced her, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. "Come on, Kins. Spill it."

Sighing, she stepped out of the car and headed for the nearest entrance. Sabrina followed in hot pursuit. Kinsey didn't have to look her way to know her friend was staring at her with the intensity of a thousand fangirls awaiting her next book.

Kinsey looked around the massive mall, in search of somewhere that would sell dresses fit for an A-list gala. She didn't come here often, but when she did, there were three main stores she went to. Unfortunately, nonr of them had what she needed this time.

Having enough of watching her friend wander aimlessly, Sabrina hooked her arm and led her down one of the long stretches, lit up by the dome windows draping over the entire length.

Sabrina couldn't take the silence any more and gave Kinsey a little shake.

Kinsey let out a breath, giving in to the madness. "There's not much to say. Damon kept me company while I collected more data in Grimrock. When we finished, he left to deal with pack business and I went back to the office."

Sabrina stopped in front of their first store to set a furious glower on her. "You're missing a few details, Kins. Don't hold back on me, girl! I need new material and your romance with Wensworth's Alpha is chock full of it!" Her grip tightened on Kinsey's arm and she dragged her over to the wall of poofy prom dresses.

Kinsey took one look at a sparkly pink one, grimaced, then shuffled over to a more modest section. While she was sure someone could pull off that look, Kinsey knew she couldn't. She didn't know what she was looking for, but she figured if she tried on a bunch of dresses, she'd eventually find something she liked.

Kinsey pulled a simple black dress off the rack. It was floor-length, long-sleeved, and had a  deep scoop at the back. Elegant, sophisticated, befitting for a fundraiser.

"Okay," she gave in, feeling Sabrina's expectant gaze on her. "Maybe we did get a little sidetracked. We had a really nice moment. He kissed me, but it felt different that time. For both of us, I think." Kinsey peered around the store, making sure there were no children to overhear them, then leaned in to Sabrina's side and whispered, "I-I felt like I might burn alive if I didn't have him inside me. It was intense."

Sabrina fanned herself. "Damn girl. That sounds hot as fuck. So. . . Did you get down and dirty in the woods?"

Her face flamed. "Umm. No. We did make out against a tree. It got hot and heavy."

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