"Scabbers what? How did you get here? Thank you Hagrid!" He grabbed the rat and continued to question the dumb animal. He looked very unwell it was a wonder he was still able to move.

Ron uncovered the coals from his and Hermione's heated argument, causing the two to begin bickering. Accusations are thrown around of it being Crookshank's fault that Scabbers is doing so poorly or that it's Ron's lack of personal hygiene that could make anything sick.  Things don't get to far before Hagrid cuts them off. He peered through the window to see company quickly approaching, "yeh gotta go." Hagrid said, pushing us out the back door.

The three of us stood huddled together with our backs to the hut. We scrambled to put the cloak back over us and we ran up the hill, trying to get away as fast as we could while still staying hidden. The sun had set behind the hills beyond the lake, red was painted across the sky with final touches of blue. Ron stopped in his tracks causing us to push into him. "You could of warned us Ron!" Harry started.

"Scabbers what are you doing? He- he won't stay still," Ron cried, "Scabbers you idiot it's me, Ron." Voices could be heard from below and while Ron still tried to get a handle on his pathetic rat we continued our walk up the hill.

"You have to be quiet!" Hermione snapped, "they'll hear you!"

Everything became silent. There was the sound, a rush of wind and a echoing thud. "It's done. They really did it." It took Hermione's clever persuasion to keep Harry from running back down to comfort Hagrid. Shadows from the castle have casted themselves upon us and the dark has swallowed us up.

"That bloody rat bit me!"

"What is that?" Off in the distance a pair of yellows eyes were crouched low to the ground, fixed on us they prowled closer.

"Crookshanks! Crookshanks get away!" Hermione yelled at her cat, "you are scaring him!" He ignored the demands. Scabbers slipped out of Ron's grasp and scampered off. Ron ran out from under the invisibility cloak and chased the rat while calling after him. The three of us came upon Ron wrestling Crookshanks away and suddenly the cat was the least of our problems.

Chocolate. The black dog came from the direction of the forest and bounded toward Ron with his mouth opened wide he grabbed hold of one of Ron's flailing limbs.

"Ron!" Harry and Hermione shouted while watching their best friend dragged off toward the Whomping Willow. Crookshanks followed behind.

"Lumos." The tip of Harry's wand lit up just in time for us to dodge one of the many branches and for us to see Ron dragged through the opening at the base of the tree.

"How are we going to get in there?" Hermione cried, tears of worry streaming down her face.

"I know how." Before anyone could ask questions I ran in reach of the trees branches and at reaching the base of the tree it they ceased their movement. "Come on!"

Harry and Hermione met me at the bottom following me into the tunnel. "That was brilliant! How did you know what to do?"

"A friend showed me." Harry pushed me behind him with Hermione followed behind as he led the way. We made it to the stairs I was all to familiar with and climbing the ladder into the hall Ron's crying could be heard from the ceiling above. "This way!"

Skipping steps we made it to the door all the noise emitted from, groans, meows and squeaking filled the hall. Harry pushed the door open, bursting into the room with wands held high. "Ron!"

I looked around for the dog as Harry and Hermione doted over Ron. I stepped into a dark corner of the room where boards laid thrown across the floor that were broken from the wall, a side table stood scratched and broken. "Chocolate?"

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