Chapter 22 - Exit

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"Wait! Why do we need to run?" Wu SanXing is rather confused at the sudden need to flee.

"Zombies." Zhang Qiling replies which causes the uncles to pause stiffly for a few seconds before hurrying in Hei Ye's direction.

Luckily, Zhang Qiling has already looked for the way out beforehand. Otherwise, they would not be able to start the evacuation this soon. However, there is still a minor issue. The so-called exit is a small tunnel that allows only 1 person to crawl into. It is likely the way the tomb builder goes out after arranging everything.

"Elders ... you go first. Then Fatty and Xiao Hua." Hei Ye makes the arrangement. "If you don't see Fatty following behind you, be sure to turn back and pull him out. We'll be on the other side to kick; I mean push him through."

Initially, there may be some questions on the sequence, but with the additional instructions, it is clear on reason.

"Fatty, if you get stuck midway through, I swear I'll blow you up right on the spot!" Wu Xie declares which doesn't really help with the current situation.

With the unbalance rate of exit against the incoming threat, soon the zombies made their way to the main tomb. To make matters worse, the number of these mummified zombies seem to have increased compared to the amount that Fatty and the uncles have encountered before. As a result, Zhang Qiling and Hei Ye simultaneously attack to block them at the entrance area, by using the small entrance gap as advantage. So, the big group of zombies can't come in all at once and this allow the 2 fighters to handle them more effectively.

Yet, such good thing cannot last long as the zombies in the back climbs over the front line and enter from above. With the overwhelming fight, Hei Ye and Zhang Qiling head towards the tunnel. Considering the situation, Zhang Qiling decides on the best option for the team.

"Go." Zhang Qiling expressionlessly issues his command.

"............" This time, it is Hei Ye's turn to be speechless.

"Take them out." There seems to be no room for argument with how serious Zhang Qiling sounds.

Hence, Hei Ye enters the tunnel obediently.

"Where's Xiao Ge?" Wu Xie asks the approaching Hei Ye. He and Xiao Hua have stop to ensure that everyone in out the way out.

"At the back. Just keep going, don't dawdle." Hei Ye answers as how he would usually do and nags the two people in front of him to continue in which Wu Xie could only comply, but something seems to be off, yet he can't exactly point it out.

Honestly speaking, Wu Xie is not wrong to have such feeling because Zhang Qiling is indeed at the back, but he did not have the intention to follow him out. Initially, Zhang Qiling thinks of collapsing the tunnel's entrance. However, he cannot be sure if the tunnel itself will still be intact. What if the whole tunnel collapses along with it? Therefore, he decides to block it instead.


The wall further away cracks to pile of rubbles and Zhang Qiling uses these to block the tunnel's entrance.

'Wu Xie should be safe.' Zhang Qiling tells himself when looking at the sealed location. There is no longer the need to worry. He believes that Hei Ye can lead everyone back out.


After crawling for a while, Wu Xie's heart is getting heavier and heavier.

"Shouldn't Xiao Ge catch up by now?" Wu Xie can't calm his heart when looking behind and only see Hei Ye with Zhang Qiling nowhere in sight.

"He might be resting before catching up with us. It's very tiring fighting those undead." Hei Ye tries to reason.

"Then let's take a break and wait for him." Wu Xie proposes.

"No, we need to get out as soon as possible." Hei Ye mercilessly rejects and urges to move forward. "Fatty's stuck, go push him out, otherwise everyone is stuck here as well."

"But ..." Wu Xie attempts yet fail to persuade Hei Ye.

"Go, go, go." Hei Ye continues to urge and meets with Xiao Hua's gaze despite the black glasses between them.

The latter person did not say anything, but it seems that he has figured out what was going on and looks at the anxious Wu Xie. Seeing him like this, Xiao Hua couldn't help but say a few words to his friend. "Xiao Ge is the most reliable person among us all. Let's get out first."

"...... Mmm." There's nothing that Wu Xie can say at the moment, he can only agree.

'Xiao Ge, you'd better catch up soon.' Wu Xie hopes internally.

2 hours later ...

Finally, there is light at the end of the tunnel. One by one, they manage to get out and return to the mysterious forest once again. Everyone takes a good breath and rest in the nearby area ... only Wu Xie is still at the tunnel waiting for the last person to come out. However, there seems to be no sign of such person. He waits until he can't anymore.

"Where do you think you're going?" Hei Ye grabs Wu Xie by the collar before he can climb back into the tunnel.

"I need to find Xiao Ge. I can't just leave him in there!" Wu Xie speaks through gritted teeth with red-rimmed eyes. Half-way out, he pretty much knows that Zhang Qiling wasn't coming, the person most likely stayed behind to hold off the zombies. "I'm not willing to leave him behind."

"He chose to stay and let you leave safely." Hei Ye points it out which hurt Wu Xie even more.

"Well, that's his choice and now I choose to go back to him." Wu Xie is stubborn and will not yield.

"Sorry but that's not an option." Hei Ye ruthlessly rejects and knocks Wu Xie out.

"Hey! That's my nephew." Wu SanXing manages to grab his unconscious nephew before he completely fell on the ground.

"Then you carry him back. Come on, let's get going." Hei Ye now becomes the leader of the group which no one dares to oppose for the time being. However, knowing that everyone has the same worry of leaving a person behind, Hei Ye mentions something that may help ease their minds a bit. "That's Zhang Qiling, he'll manage his way out."

The mysterious forest truly lives up to its name. When the group prepares for the long arduous journey, the actual way back is very short. Only 2 hours and now they are at the edge of the forest where they started. The worry of how to keep Wu Xie under surveillance before reaching home ended before it even started.

By the time, Wu Xie wakes up he found himself back at the hotel they stayed at before but instead of Zhang Qiling, Fatty is there to keep an eye on him. "How many days was I out?"

"Half a day." Fatty answers with the same unbelievable expression. "Right? We walked out of the forest after just 2 hours!"

"How's that possible?" Wu Xie feels dreadful upon hearing this. 'Then, how can I find Xiao Ge?'

"Don't even think about it!" Fatty reprimands as if he can read Wu Xie's mind.

"......... Did you just read my mind?" Wu Xie is stunned.

"Why do I need to read minds when it's written all over your face?" Fatty points out the obvious. "More importantly, do you think you can make it alive going back there? Another thing, Hei Ye says that Xiao Ge has he way and he should be back somehow."

"And you believe that?" Wu Xie questions him.

"I might not believe the unreliable Hei Ye, but I do believe Xiao Ge." In fact, Fatty isn't that close to Zhang Qiling, since they've known each other for only a short time, but according to the man's character he will make it out alive and kicking.

These words from Fatty, in fact, hit Wu Xie quite hard. Even Fatty believes in Zhang Qiling, then how come himself, the person who consider closest to him, did not have as much trust.

"You're right ... Xiao Ge will come back. He'll definitely come back." Wu Xie decides to believe as well.



Will Xiao Ge make it out alive???????

Am I asking the obvious???????

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