Chapter 8 - Seriously?

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**Continuation of the phone call from previous chapter .....

Hei Ye begins to talk about Zhang Qiling ....

"As you know ... mute Zhang is mute ... he has never talked about himself. There's only the indifferent expression with blank eyes no matter who he met. So, what I know is mostly what I've heard the people in the facility talked or rather gossiped about and there's really no way of telling whether it's the truth or not. As far as I know most of the people taken there were kidnapped."

"Why would they want to kidnap him?" Xiao Hua whispers his doubts to Wu Xie softly.

Hei Ye feigns deaf to such remark and continue with his story. "But mute Zhang wasn't kidnap but got sent there by his own family."

Being kidnapped is when some other people take you away against your will ... but to be sent over by the people that shared the bloodline ... whether or not it is against your will or not ... it is terrible ... it does not seem different from being abandoned.

"At first, he's really rebellious. It seems that he may have practice martial arts before so despite his skinny figure, he can actually put up quite a fight and it took quite an effort to get him under control. Later when I arrived at the place, I only saw his lifeless vessel. All the rebelliousness and even life itself seems to have left him. But then judging from the recent incident, he can take down many of the armed guards without using any weapons, so I think the point about having martial arts ability is pretty much valid." Hei Ye continues with what he knew which is not much at all.

Listening up to this point, Wu Xie is feeling rather complicated. He is mad at the Zhang family for abandon Zhang Qiling to be used for the illegal experiments on human live. He could not help but feel that the Zhang family did not treat him as human. How painful would it be for the man himself to feel?

"The staffs often say that mute Zhang is already good looking when he arrived but as he gets older, he looks even better. But I feel that he looks rather mediocre." Hei Ye recalls the other gossips.

"And they also drool when seeing him naked. With lean muscles, slender waist and long legs many of the ladies there practically want to pounce on him even when they're gossiping. But I think that he's too skinny and my built is definite better! Don't you agree?" Hei Ye turns to Xiao Hua with his cheeky smile asking for support regarding his perfect figure.

Just hearing it already caused Xiao Hua to roll his eyes, so he decides to look away to avoid answering the question.

As for Wu Xie on the other side of the line ... he unconsciously frown. He has seen the face and the body ... he feels that he should not let anyone else see this person anymore! Moreover, how could Zhang Qiling be inferior to Hei Ye?!?!?

No way!!!!!

"Cough cough ... is there anything else that you know?" Wu Xie brings the topic back on track.

"Not that I can recall of at this point ..." Hei Ye thinks hard but cannot remember any more. He remembers talking about a lot of things, but Zhang Qiling never responded anyway.

Since no other useful information is available, Wu Xie just politely ends the call.


Back to present

Just thinking about what he heard from Hei Ye again, Wu Xie has the urge to go see Zhang Qiling next door. As someone with manners, Wu Xie knocks on the door and waits for few breaths but there is no response.

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