Chapter 17 - Hand

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The mechanism of the mysterious tomb may appear to be just like an ordinary one, yet, the moment one fell in, no one could be certain where one would land and with whom they would end up together. As a result, Xiao Hua gives the feeling of falling into hell when he landed into a swamp. Well, in fact, it is not the swamp's fault but rather the person holding him is the true offender. With his high level of flexibility and agility, Xiao Hua can land in a perfect manner. However, during the fall, the blind lad manages to move through mid-air and hug him into his bosoms.

Of course, our proud Xiao Hua would not take this lying down and starts to fight back. The originally peaceful fall turns into a fierce battle between 2 martial artists. It would have been an equally matched if only it was not pitch-darkness that allows Hei Ye to gain a slight advantage and dominates. In the end, Xiao Hua was overwhelmed and turned into a princess in Hei Ye's strong arms.

"Aye, why do you need to make my work more difficult?" Hei Ye teases his princess.

"Since I'm so hard to deal with, let me down." Xiao Hua answers in a deadpan manner.

"How can I do that? It's wet down here, how could I let you touch mud?" Hei Ye points out his good deeds.

Xiao Hua snickers as his response with crossed arms over his chest, but in his heart, he is rather relief. For someone wearing white and light color cloth, getting mud on it would indeed ruin his mood, but this is not something he could admit. Otherwise, the tail of the person holding him would be wagging high in the sky waiting for words of praise.

"Aren't I such a thoughtful person? Paying every attention to my employer." Hei Ye, then, praises himself causing Xiao Hua to roll his eyes at the thickness of the blind man's face.

"Shouldn't it be someone else's job to recognize your goodness?" Xiao Hua couldn't help but points this out.

"For someone with his lips so tight, I probably won't get to hear it in this life. So, I should praise myself and since you didn't disagree on it means that the praise is reasonable." Hei Ye justifies his own actions.

"Whatever." Xiao Hua couldn't be bother with it anymore.

"Anyway, my dear employer, you should hold me tight. I wouldn't want you tumbling out of my arms if I trip on something since it's so dark in here." Hei Ye drawing near towards Xiao Hua's ear to whisper some words of advice.

The hot breath brushing right on his ear tip causes Xiao Hua's heart to tremble a bit, but nothing is shown on his face. Although, a light blush has crept onto his face. "Just walk already, what's the point of dawdling so much."

"Suit yourself. Don't say I didn't remind you." Hei Ye tries to suppress his smile since he can pretty much see Xiao Hua's reaction in the darkness.

After walking a about 30 meters, Hei Ye may have step of something in the mud below and slip a bit causing the grip on the Xiao Hua to loosen a bit. Consequently, Xiao Hua's simultaneously circle his arms around Hei Ye's neck. And now the distance between the 2 lessen even more.

"Aigoo, good thing you move quickly otherwise I might have dropped you." This time Hei Ye hoarsely whispers against Xiao Hua's cheek causing the latter person to stiffen his whole body.

'Damn, it was intentional!' Xiao Hua finds out that he has been tricked but he cannot admit it and feign calmness without speaking. Then totally ignoring the incident, he tells Hei Ye on what they should be doing at this time. "Keep walking, we need to hurry and find the others."

It would not be good to pull another trick. So, Hei Ye obediently continues walking without much deviating thoughts.


"Xiao Ge, which way should we go? Don't they all look the same?" Wu Xie looks at the 3 paths or rather 3 tunnels before him.

After a period of walking, they encounter a junction where each look almost the same. Zhang Qiling closes his eyes and listen to each path to find the smallest difference possible while Wu Xie goes to each entrance to peek his head in for maybe he could see something.

"Right." Zhang Qiling indicates the direction they should head in. Considering carefully to the circumstances, the path on the right-hand side shows some sign of air flow. So, there is a possibility of an exit since air can enter and travel through. However, it is so light that one could easily missed. Luckily, Zhang Qiling is more sensitive than most people, thus it did not go unnoticed.

"Okay!" Wu Xie wholeheartedly trusts Zhang Qiling. Now that the direction has been decided, he immediately act, only to be pulled back. "Eh?"

When they were looking around the tunnels, they had to let go of their joined hands and explore around the area. Since all that is done, should they resume the previous way? At first, Zhang Qiling thought that Wu Xie would come grab his hand and then proceed. But just now, he was going on ahead by himself! By the time, Zhang Qiling comes back to himself, he has already grabbed the person. Doing things up to this point, there is no turning back.

'Aren't you forgetting something?' Zhang Qiling asks in his mind while his head tilts a bit to one side.

'I'm dead.' Wu Xie tells himself when seeing the overloaded cuteness.

'Uh ... why did he turn into a statue?' Zhang Qiling is puzzled at Wu Xie's response. 'There's no helping it.' With no further ado, Zhang Qiling reaches out his hand for the other person.

Like an automatic program, Wu Xie also extend his hand and intertwine their fingers together again.

Now everything is as it should be ... the two continues the chosen path.

The distance from the fork they first encounter to the end of the tunnel is roughly a kilometer before it opens up to an open area in which further down the opposite side is a big door. Since they are somewhat far away, they could not see clearly what type of door it is.

However, it has been about 2 to 3 hours since they started their walk, they tacitly agree to take a rest by the wall near the tunnel that they have just exited. The future is still unknown so they should replenish their stomach with food and body with a bit of rest.

After a bit of some energy bar, Zhang Qiling deliberate on the total time that they have taken so far. Although, the time spent walking in this place is not that long but combining the time in the mysterious forest from their last sleep, it has been many hours. So, it should be about time to sleep. When all calculation is done, Zhang Qiling tells the person next to him to have a good rest. "Wu Xie, sleep."

"Hm? Is it already time to sleep?" Wu Xie did not realize this at all.

"Hmm." Zhang Qiling confirms.

"Okay, let's sleep." Wu Xie is obedient to what Zhang Qiling has told him.

"You sleep, I watch."

"You're going to watch me sleep?"


"But you said, you watch?" The innocent Wu Xie interprets the words in the simplest way. It takes a bit of time before he realizes the actual meaning. "Oh, you mean that you're going to keep watch while I sleep?"

"Mmm." Zhang Qiling responds the original intention, but it's not a bad idea to watch Wu Xie's cute sleeping face as well.

Once, it is clear on who do what, Wu Xie did not take too long before falling asleep. He is tired, but if Zhang Qiling has not pointed out and instructed him to do so, he would continue to push his limit unconsciously. Good thing Zhang Qiling is a considerate person. Yet, the sitting position is not suited for sleeping causing Wu Xie to twist and turn then move about to find a comfortable position. In the end, he has managed to drill into Zhang Qiling's arms and hugs him by the waist while his face buries into Zhang Qiling's chest. With a comfortable position, Wu Xie exhales like someone feeling pleased.



Each couple spending quality time together ...

Anyone wants to know about the trio: Wu SanXing, Xie LianHuan and Fatty

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