Chapter 20 - Go

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The sound of people running gets closer and closer, then comes to a stop at the intersection.

"Which way! Quick!" Fatty hurriedly urges the other two people to come up with something.

"This way!" Wu SanXing decides on the spot and sprint into another passage without a pause. He doesn't know if it is the correct path, but he can only go forward while complaining almost breathlessly. "Why are there so many paths?"

And true to his complaints, the group of 3 once again reach another intersection. But due to the exhaustion of running for so long, they need a short break and to decide which way to go again. After panting for less than a minute, suddenly Fatty finds that there is an additional person and almost scream ... well, almost because when he opens his mouth, a fist has been stuffed into his mouth!

"What are you screaming for?" Hei Ye asks ... since he's the additional person that suddenly pops up from nowhere.

"Hei Ye!" Xie LiangHuan exclaims when hearing the familiar voice.

"Uncle." Xiao Hua is the next person to appear, followed by Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling.

"You guys are all here!" Wu SanXing expresses his joy of reunion.

"*@%^$%^$@&@$$!!*&%$^&*^%$!!" Fatty says ...

"Speak human." Wu Xie tells his dear friend.

At this point, Fatty swats and spits the hand in his mouth. Once he gets his mouth back, he needs to exercise it a bit before getting to the important point. "This isn't time for a reunion celebration! Don't forget about the zombies chasing us!"

"Oh yeah, let's move, let's move." Wu SanXing suddenly urge while Xie LiangHuan pales at the mentioned of it.

"Zombie?" Xiao Hua repeats.

"Yes, you know, walking corpses!" Xie LiangHuan simply describes their pursuer.

Hearing this, even the indifferent Zhang Qiling couldn't help but furrow his brows together. He has seen one walking dead when he was in the testing facility. It was the person in the room next to his that undergone testing and died yet did not die and attack the researchers. The security team gather and continuously shoot ... so much that there doesn't seem to be any part that is still intact. Began as a human, turned into a zombie and ended as a lump of flesh. And now he is about to meet another zombie ... ancient zombie to add.

"Go." Zhang Qiling doesn't take long to issue the command.

"Which way?" Hei Ye need not argue ... he was also there when the zombie occurred in the facility.

"There." From the beginning Zhang Qiling has been deliberating on the next path, now that they need to move, he points to the path with the most luxurious decoration with the assumption that it would lead to the main tomb. It is just simple logic ... the tomb owner must be in the most extravagant environment even in the after world.

Since the direction is decided on, the group no longer linger and move forward before anything catches up to them. It is better to leave a big gap in distance which losing the pursue would be the best option.

After approximately half an hour of walking, they arrive at a big and beautifully decorated door. It is likely the entrance to the main tomb because this door is totally different from any other ones that have encountered before. Of course, such an important location ... cannot be easily open. Each of them takes closer look at all the crooks and nooks, pressing and pulling, here and there, only for the door to remain solidly standing. In the end, the 7 people stand before the obstruction and ponder.

"Can we blast it open?" Fatty asks.

"Of course, but I didn't know you brought dynamites." Xiao Hua answers truthfully.

"................." Well, Fatty wasn't thinking much when he asked the question. And without the needed item, the idea is immediately dropped. Not knowing what to do, our Fatty stands leaning against the big door.

At this time, Zhang Qiling who is standing at the further back behind everyone suddenly seems to be struck by something. He rushes forward in a few steps and jumps onto Fatty's shoulder.

"Xiao Ge! What's the big deal?" As the person below, Fatty bellows the unexpected weight on him.

"Don't move." Zhang Qiling warns with seriousness causing Fatty to obediently turns stiff as a statue.

Then Zhang Qiling slides his slender fingers on the door's surface in front of his eyes. From afar, this spot seems to be somewhat different from the surrounding area. After a few breaths, he presses on a certain bump that sinks into the surface along with the force and resulting in a soft click. What follows is the sound of subsequent mechanisms rippling such point as the center.

With the trigger activated, Zhang Qiling immediately jumps down and drags the stunned Fatty a few feet away from the big door to join the others with their vigilance ready. The mechanism moves for about half a minute before stopping and leaving an open gap with the width that could accommodate 2 people walking side by side. However, the inside is rather dark which one cannot see further of what is inside.

Due to the darkness, needless to say, Zhang Qiling glances over at Hei Ye with expectation.

"Me?" Hei Ye cannot miss such a glance but couldn't help asking to make sure.

"......." Zhang Qiling remains motionless and expressionless.

"What if I encounter danger?" Hei Ye reasons.

"............." Zhang Qiling remains his indifference, yet exude the expression of 'so what?'

"Just go, will you?" Xiao Hua helps input a few words.

"How about a kiss as incentive?" Hei Ye changes his target to negotiate with Xiao Hua and ditch the boring Zhang Qiling.

However, the usually good-tempered Xiao Hua does not reply but only glare at Hei Ye with killing intent.

"Fine, fine. No need to gang up on me. Such cruel people, taking an advantage of a blind like me." Hei Ye approaches the dark path behind the door since he cannot win against the 2 people ... at the moment ... only this time.

Since, they do not know of the content hidden behind the big gate, they decided to turn off the flashlight, in case it could attract something unknown then proceed to enter. The first to enter is Hei Ye with Xiao Hua right behind him. The 2 elders and Fatty is in the middle section then Wu Xie and Zhang Qiling at the end. Initially, Wu SanXing wants Wu Xie to go in with him, but the latter will not comply and sticks close to Zhang Qiling. Hence, the uncle cannot do anything and gives up the persuasion. Anyway, Zhang Qiling is the most reliable in terms of dealing with danger so leaving the naïve nephew with him should be alright.

Of course, the old uncle in the front cannot see that his dear nephew is holding hands with Zhang Qiling in the back of the line. Even if the uncle is angry, the originally naïve Wu Xie has prepared a perfect excuse for his action, that is, he needs to ensure that Zhang Qiling doesn't get himself lost in the darkness when entering since he is the way at the back of the line. Therefore, holding hands is the perfect solution for this issue. Too bad for Wu Xie that his uncle didn't pay attention to him that much. Hence, there is no need for the excuse. But it is also good because this allows him to continue holding hands even when they are inside the hall.

Inside the big dark hall of the main tomb, Hei Ye has swept a glance all around and found nothing of suspicions. Thus, he turns on the flashlight and shines the nearby area. When the others saw that, they also turn on their light sources.

This hall is really grand ... from the size to the gems embedded on the murals which reflects the small light source then enhance the visibility for this group of people. In the center is the sarcophagus most likely to hold the tomb's owner corpse. On the 4 sides are altars probably for worshipping purposes since there are candle holders and some plates. With a quick sweeping around with their eyes, soon everyone scatters according to their point of interest.



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