When we got on the team bus, I pulled him aside. 

"I think it would be better if I were to come off the bench today." I said. 

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." 

"You did?" 


"Is that okay?" 

"Well...how's this. I play Thompson first half, then we aim to give you the second 45. How's that?" 

"Alright." I said. 

Part of me didn't want her to get the start, because I knew what she was doing, and it infuriated me. 

She's trying to get into our tight-knit group. I don't think that's gonna happen. I know I don't want it to. I can't seem to figure out why. 

I agreed with Vlatko and climbed on the bus, taking my seat next to Hatchy. We watched Ash and Trin play rock paper scissors the entire ride. It was extremely intense considering how simple the game was. They were literally hysterical. Hatchy and I were crying with laughter. I made sure to take videos to I could show Mal if she'd ever let me talk to her again.

I needed that good laugh. I felt better as we pulled up the the stadium. As I walked inside, I felt more and more okay, more and more at peace. It was weird without Mal by my side, but I knew the less I thought about her, the better off I'd be, and that's the sad truth.  


I gave a shitty speech before the game, nothing like my usual. Kelley took over for me thankfully. I thanked her quietly before we went out, and she winked at me. So obviously she knew something was off though. 

While the staring 11 got their picture, we took a bench picture. I jumped on Sanchez's back, but as the picture was being taken, we toppled onto Hatchy who was standing next to Casey. She caught Hatchy and Sanchez fell forward, but I ended up falling hard right over Hatchy. Everyone was laughing hysterically, and I walked over to the photographer to see the pictures. There was also someone with a video camera there too of course. 

"You're always causing chaos, aren't you Morgana?" Casey Murphy laughed. "On and off the field." 

"What can I say? I'm a master of chaos." 

The girls around us laughed, and that's when I realized I'm damn good at hiding my emotions when I need to be. 

Mal never texted me for the game, nor did she respond to my message asking how she was feeling this morning. So I texted her mom, who responded and told me she was fine and wasn't sure why she didn't answer me. 

We went up 1-0 in the first 25 minutes, Sophia scoring the goal. That's how the first half ended. 

I went in at halftime, and it took me a few minutes to get into the game. I struggled to get a good feel, so I felt lost for really the first time in my professional career. 

I settled in but still felt out of place. By the 80th minute, I had 5 shots, 2 on goal. Nothing too good though. The game was still 1-0 with us winning. 

Trinity came in at the 85th, and with her first touch of the game, she put the ball on a silver platter for me. 

I hit the post. 

I was able to recover the ball and finish finally. The keeper had laid out to try to grab the ball, but missed. I lucked out. 

I scored, but played a shitty game. 

My celebration was a hand heart and then putting up 9 fingers for Mal, but I couldn't be happy. The place was going wild, but I couldn't be happy. Mal probably wasn't even watching. 

We ended 2-0, and after our post-game talk, I went to get Hayley. We had all worn our red white and blue bracelets before the game, and she was very happy about it. She couldn't say enough to everyone. 

"You're getting big, Hayley!" Said Casey Murphy. 

"I am. But you are still ginormous." 

Casey and I doubled over laughing. A lot of photographers followed Hayley and I around, and even when it was just her running around to everyone else. 

I was signing an autograph for a fan when the kid came running over to me. 

"Aunt Morgana!" She yelled. 

"Hold on, Hayls. I'm busy." 

"I want to give her a present!" She took a bracelet off her wrist and raised up her arms to I could pick her up. "Here!" She handed it to the girl, who thanked her a million times. We all took a selfie and then I went down the row before returning to the middle of the field. 

Ash was running around with Hayley on her back, getting chased by Sophia. 

"Aunt Morgana!" She giggled "Help!" 

"Move it Aunt Soph!" I said, grabbing Sophia into a big bear hug to stop her from running. It was only then that I realized how many people were laughing. 

When I tried to find Hayley, she was now with Hatchy having a pass with the soccer ball. Then Hatchy started to juggle, and Hayley absolute loved it. Then people started cheering for her as she went longer and longer. Eventually Hayley got bored and snatched the ball from her, getting an insane crowd reaction. 

"Aunt Hatchy that was cool and then I got bored. I'm going to pass the ball with someone else now." I heard her say, and she skipped off to someone else. Hatchy was laughing hysterically. 

"That kid's something else." 

"You're telling me." 

"She's just like you." 

"I didn't get bored of watching you juggle." 

"But you would do the same thing if you did." She laughed. "Look at Ertz." 

I looked at Julie Ertz, who'd returned to camp for the first time in a while, playing with Hayley. 

Also over that way was a girl I didn't see before. She was holding a sign asking for my jersey, and I felt guilty that I didn't see her before. 

I walked over to her and gave her the jersey. It was her 11th birthday, so I sighed it wishing her a happy birthday. I also gave her my right cleat and gave her little sister my left one. I took a picture with them and talked for about two minutes, then I chased Hayley around the field so I could get her back to Chloe and head back into the tunnel. 

"Morgana, your niece is adorable. The cutest kid." Julie said, catching up to me in the tunnel. 

"She's something." I laughed. 

"She really loves you. She talked about how cool you were. It was crazy because I've never met her before." 

"Anyone wearing the same jersey as me is her best friend, apparently." I said. "An you've got a good vibe, Julie. She stayed with you for a while." 

"My biggest regret this camp is not getting to know you more. You're pretty cool. I do hope we get to play together more in the future." She said. "Plus I need better updates on Mal. She's just telling me she's fine and not what's really going on. You'll fill me in, right?" 

"Best I can, Julie." 

She smiled at me and I smiled back as we walked into the locker room and went to our respective lockers. 

Timeless - Mal Pugh (Third book to Attached and My Cure)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang