Chapter Eight

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Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry October 2017

Iris looked at the Black lake and smiled sadly. She remembered the many hours she spent with Cedric trying to study for exams only to end up taking out their broom and flying around the quidditch pitch. Or the times she would hangout with Katie and Angelina only to be dragged away by George and his ginger clown brother to go off and cause mayhem.

"There you are Miss Evans." A voice behind her said.

"There's no need for formalities, professor. Call me Iris." Iris said turning around.

"Since you're no longer a student here the same applies to you. Call me Minavera." McGonagall stated. She took one look at Iris before asking.

"What on earth are  you wearing?"

"We'll if you thought I'd wear dress robes that would be a no." Iris said bluntly.

"Well at least wear something a little more appropriate."

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" Iris inquired.

"That's very uhh..."

"Fine." Iris said using her wand to transfigure her clothes into a blouse and pencil skirt.



"There is no way I'm wearing heels."

"I never said anything about your choice of footwear." McGonagall said as they headed up to the castle.

Ten minutes later...

"Isn't muggle studies an elective subject? I'm only a first year." A young boy who looked like the carbon copy of Harry grumbled.

"This year every age group will be taking a new muggle studies course aside from the one they are currently taking. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Potter?" McGonagall said firmly. The young boy let out a groan and slumped down in his seat bored.

"Now let me introduce you to our new lecturer who has agreed to once a month give a lecture on the current problem the muggle world is facing-"

"Problem? What kind of problem?" The Potter boy asked cutting McGonagall off.

"Mr. Potter that will be five points from Slytherin."

The room became silent.

"Now without further ado Miss Evans."

Iris stepped to the front of the room and cleared her throat.

"How many of you know about what goes on in the muggle world?" She asked.  Barely anyone raised their hands.

"Wow, well then again most of you grew up in the wizarding world where you have little to no contact with the outside world. So let's start with San Francisco, California 2013." Iris said walking to a nearby board and pinning a big picture of Trespasser destroying the Golden Gate Bridge.

"What is that bloody thing?" A young girl with Weasley red hair asked.

"Let me guess you must be a Weasley."

The young girl nodded.

"I'm going to ask you Miss Weasley to please watch the way you speak. Now in 2013 a large beast  which we later called a kaiju  appeared from the sea floor in the Pacific Ocean. That beast destroyed the Golden Gate Bridge and left a lot of carnage in its wake before being brought down six days later."

"Six days? That's insane."

"It was. We thought it was a onetime thing, a fluke that is until six months later another one made landfall in Manilla and then in Cabo, but when the fourth one attacked Sydney we knew that if we  didn't do something humanity would be in trouble."

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