Chapter Seven

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Dear Miss Evans,

I know you have so much distrust of the wizarding world. You were alway one of my better students and I had high hopes of you taking over the helm of Defense Against the Dark Arts one day, but I do not
blame you for leaving. I've heard from Mrs Weasley formally Miss Bell the horrific encounter you faced five years ago and you should know most of us don't blame you for Mr Percy Weasley's death. Ever since that fateful day I have been wanting to ask you to come by if it's not to much of an inconvenience to give a class. Now that Mrs Angelina Weasley has informed me of what exactly you do I think it'd be best if you could help me educate the Hogwarts' students on what's going on in the muggle world. There will come a time that the wizarding world will have to step out of the shadows and help with the on going crisis. I know the ministry of magic is trying their best to stay out of it, but I don't want these children to not be prepared for what is to come. You're the only one I trust with such a task. I will be awaiting your owl.

Headmistress of Hogwarts
Minavera McGonagall

Iris put down the letter and began pacing her room trying to figure out how to respond. As much as she didn't trust most of the wizarding world and professor McGonagall was right. The Hogwarts' student body lacked so much knowledge of the outside world.  She remembered learning muggle studies and was surprised to see how far behind they were in muggle technology and history.

"Are you crazy? You want to go back to a place where they treated you like trash?" Stiles shouted when he heard that she had agreed to go back to Hogwarts.

"Stiles, you've read how far behind they are in technology and history. Most of them won't be able to function in the regular world without the knowledge of how unsafe the world around them actually is." Iris pointed out.

"I guess your right. Now can we talk about your other problem?" Stiles asked.

"What problem?" Iris inquired.

"The Becket one." Stiles stated bluntly.

"That isn't any of your business." Iris said quickly.

"Oh come on. You two are the talk of the Shatterdome sweetheart. Which makes me wonder how he was able to keep up with you with your feathered little problem." Stiles said in a low voice.

"Is that what we're calling it?" Iris asked calmly.

"How are you so calm about this? Half of Beacon Hills can't keep up with you and all of  the sudden a normal human being is able to keep up with one of the strongest people on the planet. If it came down to you facing a kaiju I'd put all my money on you." Stiles said.

"We'll that's never going to happen." Iris said trying to get out of their current conversation.

"You know he would also solve your other problem." Stiles said.

"I'm completely lost." Iris said confused.

"Your plus one for mine and Lydia's wedding." Stiles said smugly.

"Absolutely not." She said annoyed.

"Suit yourself because if you do show up with no one Derek is going to annoy you to no end." Stiles reminded her. Iris let out a groan.

"Why is everything so hard?" She complained.

"No idea, but you better think of something fast because a certain jaeger pilot is in his way over here." Stiles teased. Then as quickly as he could Stiles bolted leaving her to deal with Yancy alone.

Broken (Yancy Becket)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum