Chapter Six

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"IRIS LILLAN EVANS, HOW COULD YOU HIDE FROM ME THAT I HAVE A NEPHEW? A NEPHEW WHO HAS THE SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME. And could you explain to me why the bloody hell you're fixing those bloody tin cans. I mean being a jaeger pilot sounds so much better. George you're forgetting about something. And what's that love? You're forgetting about the stature of secrecy. Why would being a jaeger pilot break the stature of secrecy? You do know one of the things jaeger pilots are required to do is drifting. English sweetheart. Let's just say it's similar to legilimency. Oh... Sorry about that, I guess I got a little carried away. Anyway we miss you out here and if you're up to it we'd love to have you for the holidays. You do realize you could've sent her a regular letter. Where's the fun in that? She hasn't heard my voice in years, maybe she forgot what I sound like. Trust me George, she hasn't forgotten what you sound like. There's only one George Weasley you know. We'll obviously there only one me. A very holy me..."

The howler went on and on for another two minutes before it burst into flames that Iris had to quickly put it out before the smoke alarms went off. She shook her head and took out a pen and paper.

Dearest George,

You're such an idiot sometimes. You nearly broke the stature of secrecy and Angelina is right. You could've sent me a regular letter. And no one is going to forget your voice Georgie. And an owl? Really? Who sends someone who lives deep in the muggle world a bloody owl? You also nearly gave me a heart attack. Imagine coming home to find an owl perched on the head of your bed. Gosh I really do miss you, Georgie. Hearing that howler brought back so many memories of our pranking days. Speaking of pranking, do you remember when I glued your feet to the floor and Lupin had to help you out of a sticky situation? Or when I turned Snape's hair into a mood ring that wasn't going to wear off so easily unless he took a shower? Those were such great times. Since we're on the topic of pranks if you dare send my son any pranking supplies especially from Weasley Wizard Wheezes I will go all Phoenix on you. And if you try to send him any muggle ones I will make your life a living hell. Glad we had that chat.

Now for the more interesting and terrifying things that go on on my end of the world. You are right, being a jaeger pilot would be amazing, but I'm not letting anyone into my mind again. Last time that happened I kind of nuked Malfoy manor. Thats a whole story in it's self. Anyways these jaeger pilots are so reckless lately. The last time Stiles and I had to fix one of those things Stiles nearly died from kaiju blue almost causing my secret (both of them) to be discovered. Oh and I had to oblivate someone for the first time in about five years. Let's just say I haven't used magic in years. Now I now you might think I'm crazy. After all magic is an amazing thing, but it reminded me of the hours of torture I endured for my under appreciating brother or of all those we've lost.

Anyways it's been lovely chatting with you. I'll let you know if I'm available to come.

Iris Evans

Iris handed the letter to the awaiting owl and watched as it  swooped out of her room.  She soon found herself drifting off into a deep and much needed sleep.

The next morning, Iris was up bright and early. Stiles like most people was still asleep. So without her usual sparing buddy, Iris made her way to the gym. Iris taped up her hands and headed over to the nearest punching bag. She went a few rounds before she heard a voice behind her.

"Can I ask what that punching bag did to you?"

"Morning to you too, Becket." Iris said without taking her eyes off the bag in front of her.

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