Chapter Three

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"Stiles!" Iris felt her heart pounding in her chest as she ran over to her fallen friend. She fell to her knees beside him and felt for a pulse.

"This can't be happening. You can't die on me Stiles, I can't lose another friend! I just can't." Iris cried. Tears slid down the sides of her face as she began to administer CPR.

"You can't leave me, Sti!"

The room around her began to fill up with emergency personal dressed in protective gear. One of them began to pull her off Stiles' motionless body. Iris let out a scream.

"Let go of me!" Iris felt like her inner Phoenix trying to take control and if she took over the kaiju weren't the only ones who would need to worry.

"They we're both exposed to kaiju blue. They need to be isolated." She heard one say. Fear took over her. They did bring Stiles back, but there was a slim chance he'd actually survive this. Iris knew she had to heal him, but how was she supposed to when she was placed under quarantine? Every other minute doctors and technicians came in to evaluate her or to draw blood which created another problem.

"I have to destroy my blood samples before someone finds out what I am." Iris thought. She looked up at the security cameras and let out a sigh.

"I can't believe I have to do this." She thought as she wandlessly and wordlessly casted an illusion charm. Iris closed her eyes and apprated for the first time in closed to five years.


"What the hell!" A voice behind her said stunned. Iris opened her eyes and found herself face to face with Dr. Newton "Newt" Geiszler.

"You weren't supposed to see that." Iris said.

"Y-You're one of them." Newt stammered. Iris gave him a strange look.

"You've got to be kidding me. Me? A kaiju? You're the "expert" on kaiju and you think they have shapeshifting and teleportation abilities? You must be crazy."

"Then can you explain to me how you managed to appear out of thin air? You're supposed to be in quarantine." Newt shot back.

"I have no time for this." Iris said pinching the bridge of her nose. Her wand appeared in her hand causing Newt to back away from her.

"I'm sorry, Harry." She said aiming her wand at Newt.

"Wait, Harry as in Harry Potter?"

"Yes and in another minute you won't remember a single thing that happened here." Iris replied. Newt duck out of the way.

"There is no way you're using a memory wipe spell on me. Not after this amazing discovery."

"Don't make this any harder then this has to be, Newt."

"I wont tell anyone." Newt said quickly.

"You're a scientist, Newt. Any amazing thing you discover you feel the urge to share it with the world. That's like telling Stiles my secret." Iris answered stretching the truth a little.

"But, but-"

"Oblivate." Iris whispered. She replaced her blood samples, wiped the security cameras and apperated to Stiles' room. Iris took out a vile of Phoenix tears and injected it into Stiles' IV. She changed the security footage for the umpteenth time. Then with a blink of an eye she was back in quarantine.

A few hours later one of the leading doctors on her case came walking into her room without protective gear on.

"I have no idea what the hell is going on and don't know how, but you could go. You and your friend are both fine." The doctor said rubbing her temples. Iris gave her a "confused" look.

Broken (Yancy Becket)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon