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~One week later~


Today is the day.

The biggest day of Jin's life.

He's a wreck.

"Jin! Pull yourself together!" Yoongi sighed as Jin has been hyperventilating for the past 30 minutes.

"Be nice, Yoongi hyung, he's nervous," Said Jungkook, rubbing Jin's back.

"Listen, it's just a few words, you kiss, and boom, it's over," Yoongi rolled his eyes. Jin glared at him.

"Why did I even make you one of my groomsmen?" Jin asked. "When you're getting married to Hobi, I'll be like 'oh, it's just a few words and a kiss!' And you'll see that it's a lot more pressure." He said sarcastically.

"You'll be coming out soon!" A voice called from outside the dressing room. Jin started hyperventilating again as he looked in the mirror.

He was wearing a gorgeous white suit, and his pink hair was arranged to the neatest and most perfect of details with little white flowers in some spots. He held a bouquet of beautiful plumeria flowers to go with the ones in his hair. He would ask how he looked every few minutes, getting the same soothing answer from Jungkook every time as he rubbed Jin's back.


"Namjoon, stay still God damn it!" Taehyung scolded as he attempted to fix a strand of Namjoon's hair that kept falling out of place.

"Sorry," Namjoon apologized, shaking. "I'm just nervous."

"Yeah, we can all tell," Taehyung scoffed.

"Oh, stop it, Tae," Jisoo reproached. "Getting married isn't as easy as it seems." She motioned for Taehyung to move over and she fixed Namjoon's hair instead.

"Nevermind Tae, you're right, Namjoon stay still." She sighed.

"Leave the poor guy alone," Hoseok sympathised, nudging Jisoo over so he could fix Namjoon's hair. "You'll be fine, Namjoon."

"What if I forget my vows?" Namjoon questioned nervously.

"Do you remember them?" Jisoo asked.


"Then you'll be fine," Hoseok laughed.

Just then, someone came in.

"Groomsmen and groomswomen, go to the front please," She instructed. "Mr. Namjoon, when you hear the chorus play, you go meet Mr. Seokjin at the end of the aisle and walk down with him." Namjoon nodded.

"Goodluck!" Jisoo said, hugging Namjoon. The other two did the same, then left.

Namjoon took one last look in the mirror. He looked incredibly handsome with his fancy black suit and neatly arranged hair. The music started.


They both came out at the same time and met in the middle, intertwining fingers. They couldn't help but smile at the huge crowds on either side and by huge, they meant huge.

Jin invited all the family on his mom's side, along the nice ones on his father's side. Namjoon invited all of his friends and family that could make it, and even some of the hospital staff that he had befriended from being at the hospital so long. There was a plus one rule for everyone, so that doubled the amount of people.

In one hand, Jin had the bouquet and in the other was Namjoon's hand. They slowly walked down the aisle together, grinning. Namjoon's groomsmen were Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jisoo (Yes, a female can be a groomsman in gay weddings). Jin's groomsmen were Jungkook, Yoongi, and Jimin. They kept hearing the shutter of a camera as Jin's mother took hundreds of pictures.

When they got to the end where the priest was, they stood across from each other. The priest said the priest things that a priest says at a wedding (idk anymore 😭), then after the individual vows he said:

"Do you, Kim Namjoon, take Kim Seokjin as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?"

"I do," Namjoon grinned. The priest said the same to Jin.

"You may now kiss the groom."

Namjoon pulled Jin close by the waist and leaned down to kiss him as Jin threw his arms around Namjoon's neck. The kiss was sappy, gross, and loving. At one point, they heard Jimin retch and they almost laughed. They pulled apart when cheering and clapping erupted.

"I love you so much," Jin whispered, looking up at Namjoon. The crowd cooed when Namjoon cupped his face and kissed his forehead.

"I love you too."

~At the reception~

"Namjoon!" A voice shouted from behind. Namjoon turned around and laughed when he saw who it was.

"Jackson!" He exclaimed. They did a sort of made-up handshake, Jin just standing there awkwardly along with Jackson's companion. He snorted when they slapped each other's butts.

"Jin, this is Jackson Wang. Jackson, this is Kim Seokjin, my husband."

"It's nice to finally meet you!" Jackson exclaimed, shaking Jin's hand energetically. "Namjoon's told me all about you. This is my boyfriend, Mark Tuan."

"Hello," Mark greeted shyly, holding out his hand for Jin to shake.

"It's nice to meet you both," Jin grinned, shaking Mark's hand.

"I can't believe you chose those kids over me to be a groomsman," Jackson pouted.

"Last time we were at a formal event, you got drunk and pushed a poor old lady out of her wheelchair!" Namjoon reasoned. Mark and Jin burst out in laughter.

"We shouldn't be laughing, but I can't help it," Mark choked out between laughs. Suddenly, Jimin came running into the reception area, dragging a girl by the hand behind him.

"Namjoon and Jin hyung!" He panted. "Meet my girlfriend, Cho Claire."

"It's nice to meet you finally!" She exclaimed, shaking both of their hands. She spoke slowly in Korean, but had an American accent.

"Wow, Chim, you got yourself an American girl," Namjoon chuckled. "It's very nice to meet you too." He said in English.

"Oh, thank God you can speak English," Claire said, relieved. "I'm learning Korean, but it's pretty difficult."

They chatted a bit more with everyone, mostly just receiving congratulations, then Jin pulled Namjoon aside under one of the curtained canopys.

Before Namjoon could say anything, Jin stood on his tippy toes and connected their lips. Namjoon kissed back immediately, pulling Jin closer by his waist. Jin pulled away after a few seconds.

"I can't believe we're married," He whispered.

"Believe it, baby, 'cause we're gonna be together for the rest of our lives.'

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