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Boy, did it feel good to wake up in Namjoon's arms again. I don't even care if it's 3:00 AM, I'm just happy to be with him. I admired his handsome, sleeping face for a few minutes before dozing off again, using his buff chest as a pillow.


The two stayed like that for another seven hours before they both woke up at the same time.

"Good morning, baby," Namjoon said groggily, rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning," Jin greeted warmly, kissing Namjoon's forehead before sighing and nuzzling into his neck. "I missed this."

"But it was only one day," Namjoon laughed.

"I know, and it was one day too much for me," Jin pouted. "Don't leave me again."

Namjoon laughed softly at his boyfriend's clinginess and attempted to get up.

"No," Jin complained. "I wanna cuddle." He pushed Namjoon back down onto the couch.

"Well, I was gonna take you somewhere today, but I guess not," Namjoon teased. Jin perked up.

"Where?" He questioned.

"You'll see. Go get ready," Namjoon instructed, giving Jin butterfly kisses all over his face.

The older reluctantly hopped off of Namjoon and went to the bathroom to prepare for a shower. Namjoon himself got up about a minute after, and followed Jin to the bathroom.

When Namjoon entered, Jin was standing in nothing but his underwear. It was completely normal, but Jin's ass was looking nice in those boxers; Namjoon couldn't help but slap his ass.

Jin yelped a bit. "Namjoon!" He whined. "You can't just do that!"

"Why not? You're my boyfriend, aren't I privileged to do so? Plus, I've fucked you like seven times." Namjoon reminded him, walking over and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"I- You- That doesn't matter!" Jin sputtered. "You always-" Jin gasped as Namjoon dropped his hands down to his ass and gave it a squeeze. Jin's face turned pink.

"Oh, get out!" He said, hitting Namjoon lightly on the shoulder. Namjoon laughed and left the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

~Time skip~

When Namjoon had finished getting ready, he flopped down on the couch and waited for Jin to finish up. He wasn't wearing anything too fancy, just a white button up with a few buttons undone at the top and some jeans. He just lay there on his face until Jin finally opened the door and showed himself. He was wearing a cute outfit, mainly in his favourite colour pink. He wore white jeans, a light pink undershirt, and a slightly darker pink dress shirt, which was undone.

"How do I look?" Jin asked, twirling around for Namjoon to see the whole outfit.

"Perfect, as always," Namjoon grinned, grabbing his keys. "Let's go, we're taking my car."

~Another time skip (I'm lazy okay?)~

"Can you please tell me where we're going, Joonie?" Jin begged for the third time in the last twenty minutes.

"No baby, it's a surprise. We're gonna be there soon, don't worry." Namjoon reassured, grabbing Jin's hand and kissing it.

Jin didn't complain after that; he was pretty content whenever his boyfriend showed him affection.

Soon enough, Namjoon stopped the car on the side of an empty road beside a long stretch of trees and overgrown nature. He hurried around to Jin's side of the car and held the door open for him, being the gentleman he was.

"It's a bit bumpy, so you can hop on my back," Namjoon said, bending down a bit in front of Jin so he could jump on.

Once Jin was comfortably on Namjoon's back, they set off down a hidden, grassy trail beside the car.

The path had daises and lavender dotted everywhere in between the longer grass on either side of them. They walked along the trail for a few minutes before they emerged into a lavender field lined with trees along the edges (basically the lavender field in Twilight). Jin gasped at the sight.

"Namjoon, this is beautiful," He exclaimed.

Namjoon chuckled. "I'm glad you like it." Yoongi's plan was already working.

Bruh instead of writing this chapter I was scrolling through Namjin fanarts on Pinterest for like 2 hours and it's kind of 4:00am now. Meh whatever, sleep is over rated

Also I'm like terrible at explaining stuff but this was basically the flower field:

Also I'm like terrible at explaining stuff but this was basically the flower field:

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Something like that

Shit I have to get up in two hours. Bye loveliess

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