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"Well, he has a minor concussion, but you saved him from most of the damage when you stopped his attacker in time," The nurse informed Namjoon. They were now in a hospital room with Jin still unconscious on the bed, Namjoon sitting in the chair beside him, holding his hand.

Namjoon nodded. He was lost for words. How could someone do that to their own son? They were both silent, listening to the steady beat of Jin's heart monitor (Idk what it's called man). Namjoon's hair was messy, and his eyes were bloodshot and droopy from all the crying.

Seconds later, the near-silence was ruined by the sound of Jin's mother bursting through the door.

"My baby!" She cried, running as fast as her little legs could carry her to the bed.

"You're lucky that Mr. Kim Namjoon jumped into the situation, Mrs. Kim," The nurse praised with a warm smile towards Namjoon. "If the attacker punched him anymore, Seokjin might have not been with us right now."

Mrs. Kim stopped weeping momentarily and looked up at Namjoon before hugging him tightly.

"Oh, Namjoon!" She sobbed. "You saved my Seokjinnie! How can I ever repay you?"

"Well, I wouldn't say I saved him," Said Namjoon, slightly embarassed by her exaggerated praise. "And you don't need to repay me, the fact that he's still with us is the best gift I can receive."

She pulled away and smiled up at Namjoon with teary eyes. "You put your own life in danger for him. You risked everything just to stop that psychopath from hurting Jin. I don't know how Jin found someone like you. Thank you, Namjoon."

He smiled back. "No problem, Mrs. Kim. Would you like me to leave? So you can see Jin?"

"Oh, no, that's okay dear," She sighed. "I really have to get going, I just needed to make sure that Jin was okay first."

"Okay, have a good night Mrs. Kim," Namjoon said as she left the room. He heard a small "you too" before she closed the door.

"I can leave you two alone, if you want," The nurse offered with a warm smile.

"Sure, thank you for everything, by the way," Namjoon said. She smiled and nodded, shutting the door behind her.

Namjoon sat there for several minutes, tears silently rolling down his cheeks as he carressed Jin's hand. His breathing stopped when Jin moved.

His head turned to the other side as he mumbled something, going straight back to sleep. Namjoon couldn't make out a single word he said, but he was getting closer to waking up. Namjoon just realized that it was 8:38 PM.

The nurse came back a minute later and asked if he had made any progress while she was gone. When Namjoon told her that his head moved and he mumbled something, she clapped out of joy.

"Sorry for getting so excited, it's my first year working here," She said, smiling sheepishly.

"That's okay, it's not a problem," Namjoon reassured, still stroking Jin's hand. The nurse noticed.

"Not to be nosy or anything, but are you dating?" She questioned.

"Yeah," Namjoon replied. It felt good telling others that Jin was his boyfriend.

The nurse was very easy to talk to. She was kind and thoughtful. Namjoon learned that her name was Jisoo, and she herself had a girlfriend named Jennie who also worked in the hospital. The two conversated for a few minutes, not noticing Jin's eyes open slightly.

"Joonie?" He whispered ever so quiet that Namjoon thought he was hearing things. Namjoon looked down when he heard the voice, only to see Jin smiling up at him weakly.

"Jin!" Namjoon whisper-screamed, not wanting to be too loud since he had a concussion. He laughed softly and kissed Jin's forehead. Jisoo cooed.

"I'll leave you two alone," She whispered, quietly slipping out the door.

"How are you feeling, baby?" Namjoon asked quietly.

"Pretty shitty, to be honest," Jin chuckled weakly. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?"

"Why am I- Jin you could've died!" Namjoon exclaimed.

"I'm fine, Joonie, don't worry about me." Jin reassured. His eyes were barely open.

"Jinnie, you have a concussion, you're not fine," Namjoon stated. "But, on the bright side, your father has been arrested for attempted murder."

"Good. That's what he deserves," Jin said bitterly. "But are you hurt?"

"I may have broke a finger or two, but that's not what I'm worried about right now. You should get some rest, baby," Namjoon said, pushing the hair off of Jin's forehead carefully.

"Will you stay with me?" Jin whispered.

"Of course."

Jin smiled. "Thanks, Joonie. I love you."

"I love you too."

Namjoon softly kissed Jin as his eyes fluttered closed.

When Jisoo came back in, Jin was already asleep.

"You two are so cute," She cooed. When Namjoon looked confused, she added: "I was watching through the security cameras."

"Oh," Namjoon nodded in understanding. "Am I allowed to stay for the night?"

"Of course!" Jisoo confirmed enthusiastically. She checked Jin's monitor and stuff before heading towards the door. "Just holler if you need anything!" She left again.

Namjoon sat there staring blankly at Jin's sleeping face, listening to his heartbeat and caressing his hand. He did this until he himself eventually started to drift off, falling asleep beside his love.

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