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The next morning, Jin expected that he would wake up in the strong arms against the chest of his big, buff boyfriend, but apparently he was wrong.

He woke up alone in their bed. He sat upright, looking around to see where Namjoon had gone to when he saw a note on Namjoon's pillow that read:

Good morning baby,

Sorry I had to leave, work started early today. I would give anything to have stayed in bed cuddling with you, but it's a big day at the shop. I know it's your day off, and I'll be back before you know it.

PS: I'll make it up to you with kisses and cuddles

Love, Namjoon

Jin rolled his eyes playfully and giggled as he read his boyfriend's cheesy note, setting it back down on the pillow. He tried to go back to sleep, but it was hard without being pressed against Namjoon's body.


I left a note for Jin that I'm going to the shop, but that's not where I'm going.

I'm going to Jungkook's house; I need to ask him about Jin's ex. At graduation, Jin mentioned that he's known Jungkook since he was in highschool, so who's better to ask than the person who's known Jin longest?

Jungkook finally moved out of his abusive father's house, and he's happier than ever. He has a small apartment just a few blocks away from Jin and I, so we visit quite often.

After about a ten minute walk, I arrived on the doorstep of Jeon Jungkook's house. Last time I had visited, Jungkook had told me that I'm welcome to just come in using the spare key under the doormat rather than knocking. I quickly bent down and slipped the key out before jamming it in the door, then put it back under the mat when I was finished. 

"Koo?" I called out to the empty hallway. I heard a clutter and a screech before seeing Jungkook basically fly around the corner right into me, knocking us both down.

"Namjoon hyung, you won't believe what happened!" He yelled in my face. 

"What happened?" I laughed. I honestly couldn't think of anything that would make him this happy.

"I- We-" He squealed again. 

The answer then came into view. Literally.

Kim Taehyung stepped around the corner and peeled Jungkook off of me, then grabbed his nape and full on ate Jungkook's lips. Jungkook's eyes were so wide, I'm suprised they haven't fallen out yet.

"So, you're dating I assume?" I asked as if it's not obvious at all.

Taehyung disconnected their lips, flashing a boxy grin at Namjoon. "Yep. Just started like an hour ago." Jungkook still looked flustered.

"It's about time! Jungkook's been obsessed with you for months!" I exposed.

"I- Wha- That's not true!" Jungkook sputtered, pouting and crossing his arms. Taehyung giggled.

"Anyways, what are you doing here, hyung?" He asked.

"I came here to see Kook, sorry Tae," I chuckled. "I just need to ask him about something."

"Okay then, I'll leave you guys to it, as long as you say goodbye," Taehyung teased. "I'll go get some banana milk for you, Kookie." He said, pulling on his shoes. He pecked Jungkook on the cheek before heading out the front door.

"You guys really love each other, huh?" I smiled. They remind me of when Jin and I first started dating. 

"Yeah, we do," Jungkook sighed happily. "Anyways, what did you want to ask me?" Jungkook grabbed my wrist gently and led me to the couch where we could talk better. 

I hesitated before saying anything. What did I want to ask him?

"Um, how many exes does Jin have?" I decided to start with.

"Only two, that I know of," Jungkook said, frowning. "That bitch girl that cheated on him before you started dating, and some big idiot Lee Seung way back in highschool."

"Perfect. Tell me about him."


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