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~One week later~


It was around 2 in the morning, and Namjoon was just leaving the party with his friends.

Taehyung rolled his eyes at the two behind him.

"Yoongi and Hoseok, would you stop eating each other's faces for two seconds?" Yoongi disconnected their lips.

"But why?" He asked Taehyung, dragging out the "y". "Seokie tastes so good," then he attacked the others lips again.

"Tae, they're drunk, I don't think they're gonna stop," Namjoon sighed from the front of the small group. Taehyung simply shrugged.

The men made their way to Namjoon's car when something caught the latter's eye.

There was a figure in the dark alley.

"Taehyung, you take these two to the car and get them home," Namjoon instructed.

"Why, hyung, what's wrong?" He questioned, frowning at the older.

"Nothing, just go," Namjoon told Taehyung, looking him straight in the eye. The younger felt a tad pressured under the intense stare of his hyung, and did as he was told.

Namjoon waited for his drunk friends to disappear before sneaking over to the scene that gave him a feeling of curiousity and unease.

He peeked his head around the corner first to see if there was anyone else around, maybe the culprit who did this? But it seemed he was alone, other than the man passed out at his feet.

Namjoon crouched down next to the body and lowered his head next to their mouth. They were still breathing.

Straightening back up slightly, Namjoon inhaled and prodded the body with his finger.

"Hello?" He asked stupidly. As if he was going to respond. Namjoon stood up and sighed.

He searched around the body, then he finally noticed the alcohol bottles scattered everywhere; this man was passed out drunk.

He grabbed the man by the waist and heaved him upwards, pulled him out of the alley and into the street light.

"I'm so stupid, associating myself with a random stranger who I found on the ground," Namjoon mumbled to himself. When he made his way to the light, he looked down at the face of the man.

Well, this is no random stranger.

Drunk Destiny | Namjin ✓Where stories live. Discover now