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Unknown: You will not marry my son.

N: Sorry, but who are you?

Unknown: Stay away from him. He should marry a proper young woman, not a gay thot

N: I think you have the wrong number

Unknown: You are Kim Namjoon, are you not?

N: Yeah I am

N: Are you Seokjin's father?

Unknown: Yes.

N: Oh

N: Well then fuck you

Unknown: Excuse me?

N: Do you even know how miserable you've made Jin?

Unknown: Maybe he shouldn't be a little faggot then

N: Don't fucking call him that

Unknown: Mind your language. Stay the fuck away from my son

N: He's not your son. You don't give a shit about him

Unknown: He is my son, and I'm warning you to stay away

N: I'll marry him if it's the last thing I ever do

Unknown: No you won't. I'll make sure of it.

N: What?

Error: Message not sent

N: What the fuck do you mean?

Error: Message not sent

N: Omfg

Error: Message not sent

He actually just blocked me. I was boiling with anger now. Who is he to tell me I won't marry Jin? How dare he fucking call Jin a faggot. I wanted to beat the shit out of him.

I decided to not tell Jin; my poor baby was tired and sick and this would just overwhelm him. I really just needed a distraction at the moment, so I decided to drive to work.

I was still a bit haughty when I entered the flower shop, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey there, kiddo, something bothering you?" My dad asked as I stomped over to the front desk. He was sitting at one of the tables beside the door, sipping away at his coffee.

"Yeah, but I'd rather not talk about it," I said, turning to face him.

"Come sit," He said, patting the table as an invitation to sit down. "Maybe you should talk about it, it'll help."

I quietly exhaled, then walked over and sat down across from him.

"What's going on, kiddo?" He asked when I stayed silent.

"You remember Seokjin?" He nodded. "Well... he's kind of my boyfriend."

"What? Namjoon, that's wonderful! But why does that bother you?"

"Oh, no, that's not what's bothering me," I said, pulling out my phone. "His father bothers me. Look at these." I let him scroll through my messages with Jin's father, his expression getting angrier each time he read another message.

"How dare he say these things about you and Seokjin," He fumed, then his expression softed and he looked at me fondly. "But great job defending the both of you, son," He chuckled, handing me back my phone.

"What do I do, dad?" I asked. "What does he mean by he'll make sure I don't marry him?"

He was about to answer when my phone started ringing in my hand. It was Jin.

"Hey baby, what's up? You feeling better?"

"Joon, please come home. Now. Please." He whispered. I could hear him softly sobbing.

"O-of course, I'm on my way," I said, confused.

"Thank you. I love you."

"I love you too."

"Sorry, dad, I have to go," I said quickly, heading out the door. "Bye!"

I hopped in my car and started the engine, driving home as fast as possible. Yes, I may have almost hit an elderly lady, but I could tell something was wrong and I needed to get to Jin ASAP.

I parked in the apartment's parking lot then hopped out of the car, sprinting to our room. I slammed my keys in the door and slipped inside, shutting the door and locking it behind me.

Jin was curled up on our bed with an intense look of fear in his eyes. When he saw me, he ran over and latched himself onto me.

"Jin, what the hell is going on?" I asked as he softly cried into my shoulder.

"He's here." He sniffled quietly.

"Who?" I questioned, making him look at me.


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