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"You're the only heir of Slytherin left, Hermione." McGonagalls worried and tired tone rang through my head for the millionth time this month. Honestly, it feels like I can't catch a break.

So apparently my name isn't Hermione Jean Granger. It's Hermione Jean Novak. Or if you want to jazz it up some more, Riddle.

That's right. I'm a riddle. I'm not completely proud of if due to my uncle, Tom Riddle... Who I happened to kill a few months back in the war with the famous Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley. People classified us as the Golden Trio.

I lost many friends during the war. Ronald lost his own brother. Harry felt terrible for what happened to everyone. Poor George Weasley couldn't even cast a patronus anymore because all his fun memories were with his twin brother, Fred.

But this is all besides the point. I started to convulse a while ago. No changes have happened to my body yet, but as I near my 18th birthday, I fear that it will start soon. The warnings are getting closer and closer before I fully convulse. It's a curse that was put on the very first Riddle woman, and there isn't a cure other then getting a mate by the age of 18, or meet death.

My mother had survived by getting a mate, my father. Dean Novak. She was later murdered along with my father the night before Harry's parents were, and by her own brother for not agreeing with his morals.

So here I am. Hermione Novak. The girl who's parents were dead, and the other set don't even have a single memory of me whatsoever due to me erasing them before the war for their own safety and then having no such luck to remove the obliviation spell. So they're currently in Australia enjoying life on a yacht with the money they saved for me for my future.

So here I stand. Unaware of whether I'll live to be nineteen, and unable to control my new powers. Yes, you thought my body would just change? Hell no. I'm developing magic that I can't control. God forbid someone make me pissed off. Their heads may just explode. This magic I'm developing is very dark. After all, I am suffering from the curse of a Slytherin.

Salzar Slytherin's sister ended up dying on her eighteenth birthday due to refusing to find a mate. She was lesbian and she wasn't ready for the criticism she'd face from others, and wasn't alright with the fact of possibly being murdered in the middle of the night for it. So instead, she basically committed suicide by not falling for her mate. She had one. Believe me, she had one. Did she distance herself from her? Yes. She fled the town completely and went far away, locked herself in a basement somewhere in Scotland, and made sure she resisted the urges to run back to her mate. Thing is, to claim the mate, you must have sexual intercourse.

McGonagall told of how much it would hurt if I resisted. I knew McGonagall wanted what's best, but I'd rather get to know the person for around a year before I would bang them.

To be honest, I'm still a virgin. I never lost it to Ron. I mean, he's a nice guy and all, but I'm afraid that if we stayed together, we'd be at couples counselling by the end of the year. He was too much of a handful for me. I would dare date Harry. He's like a brother to me. It would be like incest if I ever tried anything with him. Neville and Luna were together so I wouldn't try anything with Neville, and never would I in my lifetime. Honestly, I was alone in this battle.

I was going to die. Honestly. I'd die for my dignity, rather then stay alive because of me having sex to someone I barely know.

I was sitting on my bed in my Gryffindor room. I'm back for my eighth year at my magic school, Hogwarts. We're only supposed to be here for seven, but the war interfered with everyone's education.

The school was all fixed up now. There were paintings of all the deceased war heroes on the walls leading to the Great Hall. Remus and Nymphadora Lupin were hung up side by side. Molly was currently taking care of their only child, Teddy. He was just a little boy in diapers by this point. His hair would change colour to purple, and he'd look so much his mother. Other times it would turn brown with his eyes and he'd look like his father. It hurt my insides so much to even believe he'd be in school soon (ten years) talking to his mom and dad who are just memories on a canvas.

A tear fell down my cheek as I remembered Fred laying dead on the cold floor of the Great Hall. Luckily, Fred was a Hogwarts ghost who felt that his business with prancing school kids and teachers wasn't over. He never left the school though. George was able to visit his brother once a month, but quit because it hurt him to see his brother in such a state.

So here I was, sitting in my Prefect dorm all alone. I attempted to run a hand through my frizzy hair. Soon it wouldn't be frizzy. It would be soft and silky. I held a picture of my mother in my hand. Her face was soon going to be mine. Her face was the face of my great great great great great great great great grandmother.

I looked at my mom and she had beautiful brown eyes, porcelain-white skin, and she had an hourglass shaped body. She didn't look much different than I, but there was enough differences that I would look much unlike how I do now.

I signed and got up. As I did so, a blank portrait gained a familiar face. Nymphadora Tonks was my portrait password person thing. I guess you could call her a dorm guard?

"Hey, Hermione. Ginny's asking to see you outside." She said sitting down in a chair inside the portrait.

"Okay. Tell her I'll be out in a bit." I replied grabbing my Gryffindor robe and tossing it on.

"Do I look like an owl, 'Mione?" She huffed.

"I'll erase the chair from that painting." I growled. I couldn't help it, but I keep getting crankier as the days past. Another effect.

"Eesh. Just because you've got that issue going on doesn't mean you have to be so harsh." Tonks knew about it. I couldn't keep anything from her. Ginny knew as well. These were the only people who knew besides McGonagall. I wouldn't even tell Harry or Ron because they'd probably loose their shit. McGonagall is thinking about making me an Auror, but I think I'd be a little too noticeable in the dark wizard world.

Tonks got up and left the room. I tied up my tie and got ready for class.

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