Chapter 28: Gálgviðr

Start from the beginning

You became increasingly convinced of this as your mind continued to spiral out of control. 

What if they didn't survive the fall? 

Oh Loki, Thor, please be alive. 

What if both heirs to the Asgardian throne are dead? 

Oh boy, Odin will have my head! 

What if...

Suddenly, out of the corner of your eye, a flicker of movement caught your attention.

Instinctively, you turned your gaze towards the source of the disturbance. There, behind the thick foliage, a shadowy figure seemed to be lurking, hidden within the darkness. It moved stealthily, almost effortlessly, as if trying to remain unnoticed.

"Loki? Thor?" you called out, terror mounting as each second passed.

Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the rapid thumping of your heart. Each passing second intensified the mounting terror, amplifying the thoughts of the potential dangers that lay hidden within the persistent fog.

"Lady Nova?" You felt your fear ebb away as Thor's boisterous voice echoed from your right.

"Over here!" You shouted, your voice echoing between the trees.

In anticipation of Thor's arrival, your heart calmed, happy that your intruding thoughts were wrong, at least when it came to Thor. But your excitement was short lived and quickly turned to fear as a hand wrapped around your mouth, muffling your scream. Panicking, you kicked and flailed, desperate to break free from the attacker's grip.

"Darling, it's me." A familiar voice whispered in your ear. The voice was smooth and sly, instantly recognizable. It was Loki. The realization flooded over you, and your heart calmed down as if guided by his mere presence. You immediately stopped struggling.

"You mustn't yell so loudly, for it could attract unwanted attention." Loki's hand gently released your mouth, and he pulled you into a warm and comforting hug. "There are many dangerous creatures hiding in these woods," he whispered softly, his voice barely audible. "We must be silent."

You nodded in understanding, feeling the weight of his words. As his arms slowly wrapped around you, you could sense his protective embrace. The world around you seemed to fade away as his presence enveloped you.

Mumbling under your breath, you nestled your head into his chest, seeking solace and reassurance. "You scared me," you admitted, your voice barely audible against the fabric of his clothing. You could feel his smile, even without words, as he tightened his grip on you.

"Ah! There you both are! I was starting to wonder where..." 

"Shush, you cretin!" Loki whispered harshly.

"There is nobody around for miles, why must we be silent?" Thor wondered.

With a flick of his wrist, Loki unleashed his magic upon Thor, causing the words to freeze on his lips. As Thor attempted to continue his rambling, his voice faltered and his mouth moved soundlessly. 

Confusion and frustration painted Thor's face as he struggled to comprehend what had just occurred. Each attempt to communicate is met with silence, exacerbating his anger and fueling his desire to break free from Loki's spell.

"Loki!" You whispered harshly. 

Loki, with an exasperated expression on his face, rolled his eyes and waved his hand, releasing Thor from the silence spell. With both his voice and volume now more cautious, Thor approached you.

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