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I touch the face on the River.

How lovely it looks, in its vanity and might.

Suddenly, it disappears-

Mud, reality and cold 

Send shivers down the spine.

'How weak of one to fall for illusions'-

The puritan erases the complacent belief

throwing the stone at her

then gasps over the ruined portrait.

I adore it, it dies.

I hate it, it dies.

It dies and I'm left

Still weak, just more afraid.

Perhaps I'm just finding ways

To drown my mind,

Just so it has a chance at exhausting

All the wrong ones, before finding the one.

For wouldn't it be a worse tragedy,

To find the right key 

Then losing it again in the labyrinthine bunch?

But oh well,

I kill one devil, 

Two appear.

What happens if time steals the chest

Before I open it up?

Or if I have so many fears to birth and kill,

That my strength kills herself first? 

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