'Karma, I welcome thee.'

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Oh, her highness so mighty

How does it feel, kneeling the doorstep

Of the very temple of pain,

Praying for relief

Praying for peace?

Held the diamond rosary in your hands,

Telling its beads for healing hearts;

Hearts of people you recieved and loved,

Despite how the sacred fire had you burnt.

A method of altruistic exercise 

for peace of the heart and purity of the mind.

Amidst this, didn't you, o holy saint,

Forget your own sins?

Forgot the tears you brought in the eyes

Of the very sister you once loved and disowned?

Oh yes indeed, you healed her later -

But why this mighty favor, after months of selfish self protection?

Just to atone and then forget the offence?

Oh yes you forgot all about it. 

Oh yes, naively,  she did accept you again -

Maybe even forgave it all, tried to understand,

when in the war, you held her hand.

But I, karma- I don't forget. And I can't forgive.

You might atone for your sins, but do remember

You can only lighten the scar, not erase the existence.

And of course, your atonement did bear fruit-

You were hurt, but not really too.

You know in your heart how much worse 

it could have borne, you pray each day

In grateful tears to be able to swim across.

But you still feel the pain, the same you felt on your birthday,

Strange, hadn't she felt the same on hers, 

While you were busy brushing it off in pretended care?

Uncanny how even the timing too is quite similar, 

Good for you that you repented with your sword and strength 

Helping in the war she fought, 

that this chapter of your life

faded in the heat and sweat.

From a chapter marked in blood and hate, 

A scarlett letter of caution in memory, is a lot fortunate.

Fortunate like the way it rained long before 

the crops could ripen, or else you would have seen 

A famine, not war-

One that is bloodlessly bloody, and mercilessly painful.

You still believe, don't you, that to survive- 

Each time, you did what you had to, 

and perhaps would again, if the clouds returned. 

Then don't forget, o teller of the beads,

You will have me, the teller of fates,

At your doorstep each time again.

Drawing you back, making you kneel,

At the very temple where all the scarred 

have more than once been.

And like a warrior you'll say, with a familiarity in those eyes,

"Karma, I welcome thee."


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Love ♥️♥️♥️

Feronia ♥️ 

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