Veiled Damsel

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A sky so lavender,

Oh, I have never seen such before.

Running from the grasp

of monsters, creations of my own mind,

There I stood on the rim of the woods,

Gasping for air, gasping for care.

And oh, for those naive eyes laden with mist,

Everything was pretty, everything was alright.

Through the laced veil,

what was true, I didn't know.

And for that springtime heart,

What could be wrong, I didn't care.

And by Jove in that mist, I fell

in the abyss of infatuation so well,

That I might as well say,

It could have been love, about which this story I tell.

But through the lace, in the mist

I wasn't in love with what was standing in front,

But only with what my imagination could see.

So, I danced in the mist for some days,

Until, he asked something that dyed

The white veil into a funeral black.

And the mist started lifting, now in the night,

I was dancing still.

A little inhibited, a little afraid.

Of all that could go wrong in that impending future

I had begged for. The stars seemed to yell to run,

But I was now engrossed in what was, perhaps still love,

But not without hurt, not without betrayal.

That the one I was dancing with in the mist,

Wasn't at all who I saw now, after discarding my veil.

This person wasn't the one I loved at all,

So I blamed him for 'changing' and taking away,

What we could have had. What we should have had.

I tried to hurt him, only to know it was me not him, 

Who bled and ached, besides the gnawing anger and guilt.

For he never cared for a panting damsel in soiled clothes,

More than he could for anyone he meets. 

And I knew all that was left was to run.

So my, did I run, before anyone could see.

To my village nearby. mine fully. And though

I could see him there, I stopped taking a notice.

Only until, I saw another demoiselle

gazing at him with the same love stricken eyes.

But they weren't on the rim 

of the dark hallowed woods, but in the garden

Where all could feel and all could witness,

Love growing at its best.

But I hoped that there was no veil

over those two loving eyes.

I hoped he didn't 'change' with her,

as I feared he might. For if my wishes

didn't come true, Another lady in distress and echos

would sit alone in this village's, café table for two.


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