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With the curtain of my crescent smile,

I'll hide my heart's window to a cloudy night.

Oh I'd smile a million times again for you,

I won't let my eclipsed sun 

Dull your starry night.

Remember when we were kids of eleven,

And I didn't let a drop rain from the twin clouds,

When you had won and I'd lost?

You knew I wanted to cry that moment,

Not because I lost to you,

But 'cause I'd lost to all those pretenders.

However you also knew, how happy I was,

Because You had won.

And every time I was faking that smile,

I made them believe it was real.

Hadn't I told you,  'When I play a game like that, 

I play it to win'. 

Yet you saw all the craters in it.

So yes, let them ask me,

Why I won't show my 'real' emotions?

Maybe 'cause I can be happy and sad at the same time.

And I chose to be happy for you.

I will choose that a million times over,

Even when it'd hurt twice as much,

Even when stakes are higher, a lot higher,

Than a debate contest in middle school,

I'd still choose to be happy,  for you.

And now that you're a world away from me,

For what seems like a lifetime,

I don't want to smile today, if it's not for you.

I regret every moment I let fly

When you were within my reach.

No, I dont want to smile today, if its not for you.

But happy birthday my love,

I will make you smile today,

Even if its through that glass screen.

But please know, I wouldn't have smiled, 

If it wasn't for you.

I hope in life you touch the sky,

Love what you do and create what you love,

And shine like the fire you will ignite.


Thank you for reading and happy birthday to someone who's prolly never reading this >_<

But you are ;)

 So pleeeeaseee VOTE!!! <33333

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