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Two months of exhaustion finally caught up to me. My body gave out and failed me last night. When I woke up today, it was to find Surbhi sitting on a chair beside me. Her head was down on the bed, and she was sleeping.

A bowl of water was to my left, and I realized that she had kept strips of cloth dipped in cold water on my head. My heart did the stupid cartwheel at the prospect. Never has anyone ever cared for me like this.

Later, she made me breakfast and gave me some medicine. When she was leaving for work, she told me to take rest.

Now, sitting with a hot cup of tea in my hand, I inspect my surroundings. Surbhi's apartment is a spitting image of her. Everywhere I look, I see colours, pictures, or life. Yes, life. She has so many plants in here that it could pass for a small garden. It doesn't surprise me at all that she is a nurturer.

I closely looked at the frames placed neatly on any flat surface she could find. In all of them, she's smiling. Some are solo, others with family or friends. A particular candid takes my breath away. Her eyes are sparkling, and she's eating pastry. She has this broad smile on her face, which I've never seen in real life.

My heart tinged.

She also has a small shelf dedicated to her books. She's a reader. I knew that much about her. However, I never got to know what she likes to read.

Skimming through the shelf, I pull out a book with a rather cute cover. It's Final Offer by Lauren Asher. The colourful annotations and drawings spike my interest, and I sit down to read a few of them.

I wish I hadn't.

Is this really how she likes it?

Wants it. I correct myself. She's a virgin.

I keep it back, and this time, I draw Hunting Adeline by HD Carlton from the stack. By the time I end reading the annotations, I'm profusely sweating. Sex has never been an active topic in our relationship. Things never reached that point.

And this is not even the start of what she annotated. It's all the small gestures the male lead made for his girl. No matter how big, no matter how small, Surbhi got them all underlined.

I internally smile. This woman, who I presumed to be soft and innocent, is not that naive after all. But those pleasantries will come later. For now, I lay on the bed again.

Something about this place feels warm and cosy. I strangely feel relaxed while I have never felt so at my house. I wish I did not have to get up. I wish I could lay here soaking in her scent and the peace that comes with it. But I can't.

Soon, the medication kicks in, and my head feels lighter. I force myself to move. Limb by limb, I bring each one back to life and exit the apartment. I buy a few boxes of chocolates and pastries for her as a token of thanks.


As I do every evening, I wait for Surbhi outside her office. When she walks out, I expect her to give me the same cold, blank face. However, this time, her features hardened as she walked up to me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks in a stern voice.

"Picking you up from work," I reply.

Why is she angry? Is it because she is concerned? Well, I'm fine now. My fever is gone, and my cold vanished like it never happened, thanks to the bitter tea she made me.

"I can go on my own," she says, crossing her arms.

"I know, but it's not safe. The neighbourhood you live in. Anything can happen at this hour," I reason.

"Anything like?" She challenges.

"Someone could rob you or worse hurt you in some way," I explain.

"The only person who's ever hurt me is you, Vihaan."

My shoulders sag. All the fight gets stuck in my throat. I've hurt her beyond repair, not just figuratively but literally.

"I know, and I'm so sorry about it. I'm trying to be better for you," I whisper. I'm so ashamed of myself that I can't even look into her eyes, so I keep my gaze fixed on the floor.

"That isn't helping my medical condition and trauma," she mumbles and walks off. Like a defeated, scolded puppy, I follow close behind.

Outside the apartment, I feel her assessing me from head to toe, but my gaze remains at her feet. The knot in my chest tightens. There's so much I want to say to her, but I know that none of it will have its impact until she is in the correct head space.

"Come inside," she says, striding up the stairs.

I look at her stunned. Of course, she would offer me to come inside after last night. Fucking Surbhi and her soft heart.

She very clearly marks the rules and territory. Her territory.

I am to make my meals myself.

I will sleep on the floor. No single bed trope cute stuff for me.

I will obey everything she says till the time I'm under her roof. As if she needed to specify it. I'm seconds away from getting to my knees and kissing the floor she walks on.

And I am not to get too comfortable because she won't hesitate to kick me out even at midnight. Exactly her words.

Needless to say, I go to bed, or I should say floor, empty stomach because she doesn't have bread and sandwiches are the only thing that I know how to cook. I know it took all her willpower to not cook for me and give me a taste of my own medicine. I get you, Surbhi. I know I deserve it.

I look at her sleeping figure on the bed. The lights are on because she is scared of the dark, another way I damaged her. I hate myself so much at this moment that the urge to strangle myself to death is real.

But now that she offered for me to stay here, does it mean that the ice around her heart is slowly melting?

The only person who's ever hurt me is you Vihaan.

Her words ring in my ears. I squeeze my eyes shut. I can't live with what I've done to her. She needs to give me a chance soon because I can feel myself succumbing to the monster of my nightmares.


"Go get a pack of tea too," Surbhi says.

"Ugh," I whine.

She raises a brow. Before she can say anything, I run out the door. This is the 4th time I'm going to the market because, apparently, Surbhi always remembers that something else has to be bought as well after I leave. I know she's trying to get back at me, and I certainly don't mind. But my legs do.

They are screaming at me to give them rest. The market is not close to the apartment. Rather, if I want to catch Surbhi before she leaves for work, I should start running right now, and that's what I do.

Yet, by the time I return, She's already gone. I pull out the key from under the foot mat. I keep the tea pack on the counter when my stomach grumbles. I tilt and head back and groan.

I forgot to bring bread.

I forgot to bring bread

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