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I walk out of my office building. This was my first day of work at INTEL. The name HEX TECHNOLOGIES on my CV worked in my favour and I easily bagged this job.

It's been 2 weeks since the washroom incident. Two weeks of not seeing Vihaan yet thinking about him constantly. Two weeks since Grandpa put the house up for sale.

So when I exit the building and find Vihaan standing outside, I pause.

What is he doing here?

Hasn't he already tormented me enough?

My vocal cords are permanently damaged because of him. Now every time I speak, my voice comes out raspy.

His eyes bore into me. I ignore him and continue walking. I'm still living in the same apartment I rented after I left his house. Yes, his. That building could never become something to me.

After a few dozen steps, I look back only to find him following me. I increase my pace and I'm pretty sure he does too because now I can hear the crunch beneath his boots. Suddenly, I turn around and stop. He does too.

I glare at him while he gives me a small smile.

"Hey," he says.

"What do you want?" I go straight to the point.

He exhales.

"A lot of things," he answers vaguely.

My breath hitches in my throat.

"What are you playing at now Vihaan?" I ask cautiously.

"I want to apologise for my actions," he states.

I almost choke out a laugh.

"You have to feel guilty and take responsibility for your actions for that. And as far as I know, whatever you did was the ultimate correct thing to do," I shoot.

"See, I know it will take time for you to trust me again and I am willing to wait for as long as you want. But I am genuinely sorry for what I did and I just need one chance to make this right," he explains with a hint of desperation in his voice.

I study his features closely. He doesn't look good. He has dark bags under his eyes and lines on his face. My gut tightens but this time I won't fall for his tactics.

"No," I say and start walking again. His shadow cast by the descending sun merges with mine on the dusty road. It doesn't come any closer, but doesn't go away either.

"What?" I ask him turning around.

"Please Surbhi," he says in that annoyingly husky voice of his.

My jaw tightens. I love my name but I hate it when he utters it.

I flash him my sweetest smile and take a step in his direction. He clearly didn't expect me to because his body tenses.

"Say my name with your filthy mouth again and I will slit your throat in your sleep," and with that, I flip him my middle finger.

"Okay okay no saying names," he shaking his head and bringing his hands up.

"And stop following me," I command sternly.

"That's not gonna happen."

I narrow my eyes at him again.

"Until and unless you don't give a me chance to at least explain myself, I will follow you everywhere," he declares his intentions and I swear his voice has something akin to pride in them. Like he believes what he's doing is the right thing.

Nothing new for Vihaan Singhania.

"I didn't know you had a puppy kink," I tilt my head and wait for his angry outburst at my statement.

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