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Dear Reader

This book has heavy mentions of domestic abuse and child abuse. The story ends on a happy note with the MMC's Redemption Arc and the FMC getting back together with him after he has proven himself worthy enough to her.

Some readers have found the story triggering and they did not like the FMC getting back with the MMC. I, as an author, respect their feedback and look forward to writing books that are less controversial.

For now, I will not be changing the ending because an author's first piece of work is always inspired by their real life. Someday, if that day ever comes, I will be a popular author and I will feel confident enough to share the story behind this book with my readers. Till then, the ending will remain as it is.

To all the new readers, you have been warned. This book is not a cute rom-com even though I'm proud of some dialogues and scenes that I've written. The story has also been perceived as a dark romance by few. 

Your mental health comes first. If you decide to move forward, then please consider leaving feedback, even if it's negative. I'm a budding author and I intend to learn from my mistakes.

Thank you!

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