Announcement( dont be scared guys )

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Hi everybody!

How are you my dear people ? I hope you are all having a very very good day and for those that today or even this week/month was hard, it will be okey. you are strong and you know it! Listen to your ♡ heart♡dear.

So....I wanted to say a very big thank you to all of you ! This book that came in my mind one night, while I was in my parent's car, listening to music made it to 108 reads and the 10th chapter !

But the story will not stop here. There are so many things going on in this Other Universe and Mallory is not ready about what comes next! And believe me neither you all are. The next chapters will probably blow your minds my dear readers.

But...for now I will take a small break just to relax a bit and after that tiny little break I will come back stronger and ready for the upcoming stuff that are about to happen. Also, the juiciest parts start from the 10th chapter so be ready and stay tuned!

As I will be on my small vacations I won't let you. I will be updating stuff about the characters, the easthetics of the story and other stuff that may be useful.

Finally, (cause i know i talk too much Oops 😅) if someone wants to make illustrations about the characters we can contact and let me know ! I know there are so many people out there that are so good at drawing and art! So why not helping them shine bright!?

Thank you again for all your support you are all perfect and do me a favor...

Never. Stop. Chasing. Your. Dreams.

Yours sincerely,

The author ♡

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