The Day

16 3 0

February 14, 2023,

I am sitting alone at a table in the school cafeteria, enjoying a tuna sandwich. I have some free time since the history teacher is absent, so I calmly wait for the bell to ring for the last break.

Today is my seventeenth birthday. I don't know how I should feel. Normally, I should be jumping with joy as I'm one step away from turning 18, but I don't feel happy. However, I don't feel sad either. I feel nothing.

It's all paradoxical; the kids didn't surprise me, which is quite convenient since they respected what I asked for.

I didn't expect it.

I finished my sandwich and noticed that the cafeteria brought some pies. Indeed, I'm already flirting with a last chocolate pie.

How come I didn't notice them before?

So, I get up from my seat and head towards the fridge.

''Hello,'' the lady behind the counter says.

Her name is Gloria, and she's about my mom's age. She has long brown hair and wears heart-shaped glasses. Above her eyebrow, she also has a daring heart-shaped tattoo.

''Hello. I'm just looking at these pies,'' I say politely.

''Oh, yes... they brought them this morning. There were more, but they sold out. Would you like one of the ones that are left? If not, I can offer you something else.''

She's so sweet and kind. In general, all the staff here is wonderful.

Okay, except for the chemistry teacher.

''Yes... umm... I would like the- ''

''-the chocolate pie, please,'' a voice says next to me.

Oh no.

I'm trying to understand what has happened.

Just now, a jerk took my pie.

I turn around, annoyed.

It's Atlas.

He's wearing a black shirt and black denim shorts. In his hands, he holds a history book.

Gloria looks at both of us.

"I got it first," I say.

"I don't give a damn'' he replies without looking at me.

"I'm glad," I say. "Gloria, please give me the pie."

At that moment, Atlas' hand hits the counter with a deafening noise.


This time, he looks into my eyes. The gray color of his eyes is so vivid that you'd think you're staring at cloudy skies. His free hand is clenched into a fist and pressed against his side.

However, such intimidation doesn't affect me. I'm not afraid of him at all. In fact, it's the opposite. I'd really love to slap him in that shitty face he has. He doesn't know me; he doesn't want to mess with me.

'' who you think you are?" I ask him. Now there's no one here to stop me.

He continues to stare at me.

"I got the pie first. You just appeared to make our lives difficult, as always. But I don't back down like others, you know? So take your anger issues and leave."

I'm playing the same game he's playing. I look expressionless into his eyes.

"Kids..." Gloria speaks up. "Don't argue over the dessert. If you want, I can cut it in half, and you both can have it. It's not a problem."

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