Chapter 16: Bad times

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It .. was .. Jacob. Sarah started bawling and tears started rapidly falling from her eyes.Once the other two members of the family heard her cry they turned around and saw Jacob there lifeless and started crying with Sarah.

"What is this hell hole"cried Kayla with so much emotion."I don't know love"said David trying to comfort his wife and kid while also trying to deal with the situation himself."Whatever it is, we need to find a way to leave otherwise we may end up like my brother" replied Kayla really upset that her brother who she trusted the most was now on the floor dead.

With that the family got up after saying their final goodbyes and carried on with their attempt to find what was going on and try and escape the never ending rooms of hell.

Where they fell was a long hallway and at the end of it was what seemed to be a staircase so the family ran with their lives even though they just had ran but ran even quicker because they were all full of anger and sadness.

They eventually arrived at the staircase and saw that it went up for a very long time and after running for so long they were really tired and decided to have a 10 minute break.

They sat down on the floor and started catching their breath and trying to just process what has happened since this has started.They started talking about how they should work together even though they beat that room and lost a very important person in their lives they should continue on and make sure his death was not wasted.

They got up and started going up the staircase that leads to god know what.They travelled and travelled for so long and the end of the staircase was near and kept getting closer and closer.

They made it to the top of the staircase and saw nothing up there.No pathway,no elevator,no more staircase.Nothing.A Loud crunch happened at the bottom of the staircase and....

It was the monster from the previous room.It was getting rid of the staircase and trying to make them fall off it.

The family was cornered.

The monster kept taking more of the staircase away, almost a bit too easy the staircase kept getting smaller and smaller.The family were panicking.

The staircase got smaller and smaller and the family balance kept becoming more and more unstable until....

Sarah,Kayla and David lost their balance and fell through the floor into a world of unknown.

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