Chapter 14: THE END is near

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The family was amazed to find out they had arrived in what seemed to be a library with a bunch of what like cassette tapes scattered around which was weird especially when you would think a library would have books but no books were in sight.

The family kept searching this weird and somehow calming place looking for clues to get back to reality nothing could be found the place was barren.The door that they came through had gone there were no windows nothing just barren yellow carpet floor which a bunch of shelves with cassettes spread throughout and a desk in the middle with a tv on it.

The family ran to the tv and tried to look for a way to turn it on but there was no wire,plug or socket just the tv was there.They gave up after a while and went to go look at the cassette tapes that were scavenged around the "library."Then...

The light all of a sudden went out as soon as they picked up the first cassette tape and a loud growl came from what seemed to be the ceiling and a massive thud occurred which sent the family into panic.

A massive 17 feet creature popped out of nowhere and started crawling around.Jacob looked around and saw that the tv that originally was impossible to turn on was suddenly on with the number 82 blasted on it in white text.Jacob tried to signal to his parents and Kayla what he saw but the minute he spoke the creature started charging towards him.

Jacob ran with his life and tried to get to a hiding spot he ran and ran till he decided to hide under the tv desk and wait it out.The monster stood next to him menacingly not moving not doing nothing.Jacob was nervous.The creature went eventually but this showcased to Jacob that the creature was attracted to noise so he told the parents and Kayla that the way to win this level was to be quiet.

David picked up a tape out of curiosity and they saw the number of the tv go down to 81 so that's when they knew to win you have to be quiet and collect all the tapes so they were off collecting as many as they could and number were going down 80,60-32-10.They were going quick until the final five which was difficult to find.

10 minutes later and they had no idea where they were until they realised there was an area they hadn't checked where the creature was circling Jacob decided he would distract it while David went and grabbed it.

Jacob screamed as he ran for his life till he found another hiding spot.He kept running and running and couldn't find any other spot to hide but David luckily enough had enough time to get the last 5 tapes but something was wrong the enemy started speeding up and catching up to Jacob he screamed for help but no one heard him he screamed again no one again heard him.The creature was now right behind him and...

The lights came back on and the tv was now on a fully blue screen the family especially Jacob after that experience needed a moment to recuperate around the tv and watched the tv.It was a random programme from back in the 1980s that on the tv had really bad static.After the tv shut off
A loud sound of gate opening spread through the hell hole and the family saw the gate that was opened and there was red light familiar to the light in their neighbourhood at the beginning.

They entered....

The Escape Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon