Chapter 2: What is going on?

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The family sat there in confusion, not knowing what to do or say. They had never seen anything like this before and were completely unprepared. The only thing they could do was sit and wait for someone to tell them what to do.The bewildered,baffled,speechless family were the first ones there but the mayor who called the gathering wasn't indeed there and no neighbours were there either. Will anybody appear?

Tension moderately began growing in the air.The family began to get nervous very very worried for what's happening right now.It had been 10 minutes since the power had gone out. The family sat on the benches and doubted either to leave and go back home or just keep waiting cause they must arrive soon right?

Another 10 minutes go by and the family comes to terms to go home and just wait it out in the house and light a candle in the living room and just chill so they lift from the benches and begin to move but...

The screeching sound was so loud and painful that the families had to cover their ears. They tried using their hands, but it didn't work, so they resorted to anything they could find - pieces of carpet, rocks, anything to block out the noise of the bell.

The bell kept ringing ferociously, spreading across the entire town like a virus. Minutes went by and the bell abruptly ended. The family looked at each other, so puzzled and confused about what just happened.

Taking the material out of their ears they rushed out the building like a stampede and stood there on the road looking for any sign of life, no people,no cars,no screams of happiness or people rushing around no none of that just silence.Deadly silence.

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