Chapter 1: 7 Years Later

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7 years later, in the town of Chanshines a girl and her family are sitting at their table watching the news intensely.The news intro ends and the news reporter comes onto the screen."Hi and this is Goodlife News and I'm Jonah Chester and main headline tonight it has been 7 years since a mysterious phenomenon where two women fell from the sky with life threatening conditions and both in a coma there has been theories they fell out a plane and they were skydiving and forgot to parachute but I don't feel as if this is the case whereas I think there is a ..."Static noise takes over the tv and the news glitches out.It continues to get worse.All of a sudden,the entire power shut off across Chanshires causing an urge of panic throughout the town.A meeting was called immediately in the town hall but...

The girl-Kayla- and her family(mum,dad and brother) arrive at the meeting but no one is there "Huh what is going on."They asked themselves curiously puzzled by the fact nothing and no one was there.The room was silent built with:

•A stage that used to do performances but got left to rot since they couldn't pay for it anymore since the accident happened 7 years ago rent and prices of everything skyrocketed and blasted up rapidly.

•A yellow,dusty and dirty entrance with a sign with Town Hall on it that looked like one strong powerful wind could knock the sign off its limbs.

•A rusted,broken down,crumpled carpet that looked like it had been used for millions of years had been laid out not even in the right direction. It was laid as if they didn't want it straight; they wanted to hide.. something.

•An elevator which always says out of order no matter how many times you go you always see that same message and no one goes in or out which is weird since it's a one story building but it's probably just a basement right... .

•Finally,the main event is the Mayor's speaking area which can get you sent to jail if you go near and the stands with old,on the verge of breaking benches which both must be treated with the utmost respect.

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