Chapter 24: 🍋Midnight Desserts Part 1🍋

Start from the beginning

Slipping out of the room you make your way down the hall, angling and leaning your body with the roll and pitch of the ship as though it was second nature, occasionally fluttering your wings to keep balance, as you walk up the stairs and down another hall until you reach the doors of the galley. You open the doors and look around, the mess hall itself dark with the occasional flash of lightning illuminating the room through the portholes. You look towards the kitchen door and notice golden light pouring out of the crack at the bottom and smile, fluttering your wings until you stand in front of said door. If Killer was anywhere, this was the best bet so you eased the door open a crack and peered in, your eyes zoning in on a familiar sight- Killer was standing at the counter across from the door, his back to you in a pair of dark blue sleep pants that hung low on his hips, his upper body bare aside from the strap of an apron and his golden mane was pulled up and away from his face and neck in a ponytail, mask hooked to a spot on the cabinet. As you watched him reach for something your ears picked up him singing softly to himself, his hips swaying to whatever song he was absorbed in. Sliding in fully, his head cocked to the side slightly and his movement faltered for just a moment before he continued. You knew he easily sensed you coming with his observation haki, but you couldn't help but let out a soft sigh. It would be fun to try and sneak up on and scare him, but you never could. Tonight was no exception.

"What are ya doin up?" You ask him as you pad over and wrap your arms around his middle, your chest pressing into his back. He continues to sway with his quiet song and you move with him, a smile on your face.

"Couldn't sleep because of the storm," he eventually says, his song coming to an end. "Why are you up, my little Butterfly?"

"Storm woke me, then I got worried because you weren't in bed."

"I'm sorry I worried you. Since you're up, do you want to help me?"

You stand on your tiptoes to try and peer over his shoulder, taking in the large bowl of ingredients ready to be mixed. You note the eggs and what looks like sugar and chocolate powder along with whatever else there is and your mouth waters.

"Ooh. Brownies?"

He lets out a soft laugh that lightly jostles you, nodding. "You know it."

"You spoil me. What do you need me to do?"

He reaches over and pulls out a whisk from its spot from a large container that's bolted to the counter he uses to store cooking utensils and reaches over his shoulder to hand it to you. You take it and wordlessly he shifts out of your arms, pulling you to stand between him and the counter with his hands bracing on either side of you effectively caging you in but instead of feeling trapped you feel comfortable and safe, especially with the ship still rocking somewhat violently in the storm. You didn't have a fear of anything falling out of its place, though, or even of the metal bowl in front of you launching off the counter or sliding away because Kid and Killer had retrofitted the kitchen with magnets and extra fastening points for when you encountered storms like this.

You begin mixing the ingredients in front of you, watching as it goes from a layered mass to a mixed one, slowly turning to a yummy looking chocolate batter that makes your mouth water once again and you can't help yourself any longer. Licking your lips you reach into the bowl and swipe a finger through the batter and pop it into your mouth with a happy hum, relaxing back into the strong man behind you feeling his body shake with silent laughter.


"Yup!" You grin widely and turn your head to look up at him. "Quality control, making sure it tastes good."

Selfless Love Book 1(Kid X F!Reader X Killer) Where stories live. Discover now