The book

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This chapter is mostly about the contents of the book and stuff so if you dont want to read that go ahead and skip this chapter although i don't recommend it.

"No i didn't steal it...... I simply loaned it without him knowing" kurama replies, "ugh stop being a goodygoody and look what it says!"

●in the book● 《info in italics comments in normal


Kistunes are a specimen of yokai with human traits. They are intelligent,cunning and stunning creatures. In general they are gorgeous specimen, females are beautiful and males are handsome

Kistunes can control a certain flame called Foxfire. Each flame differs in power depending on the kistune itself. You can determine the strength of the flames by their colour.

-yellow; normal
-blue; strong
-bright pink; strongest

White flames
White is the colour for weak flames they mostly are possed by little pups

Yellow flames
Are possed by commoners and are achieved at the age of 18

Green flames
Are possed by warrior foxes. Since they're mostly seen as demonic spawn and are constantly fighting humans and other species they are the stronger ones of a community

Blue flames
Only few posses the power of the blue Foxfire. It runs in 1 family ; the Hagane family. It passes down from parent to child it doesn't mater if the hagane is a female or male.

Bright pink flames
These flames are rare, it is still unknown how someone achieves these flames and there is only one recorded in the entire history of kistunes: Frye Drett.

These flames are the strongest flames in the known world and we are led to believe they're sign of inari's kindred.

"How is this supposed to help?" "Shh let him read"

Kitsunes stop aging around their 18th birthday. They will never die of sickness or old age. The only way a kitsune dies is by killing it.

Foxes live in communities for protection. You have different ranks in one community;
- the leading counsil

The leading counsil exist out of the male head of the inportant families in the community.

Male kitsunes are known for hiding their 'treasures' although it's more of a general term. Kitsune males hide their most precious belongings for any outsiders.These items mostly have memorial value, or are their lyraphyte

"Whats a lyraphyte??" "How am i supposed to know?" "Uhm you've been hanging around tomoe for quite the number of years" "yeah so?" "Guys! Just read" "don't push me! I'll have your head am understood?" "Ok"

These are hidden near a kitsunes comfort zone.

A lyraphyte is close to a soulmate but then for yokai. In a lyraphyte couple there can be 2 males or 2 females or the most common one 1male +1 female.

A lyraphyte is a kitsunes pride possesion, through a certain bond - that is created after completing the bonding- they can communicate and feel any stress their partner may feel.

"Do you get any of this?" "No mizuki we don't just let akura-oh read the damn book!"

There can be only one lyraphyte for a kitsune in his/her entire life. If their partner is harmed in any way their other half in known to go beserk.

A kitsune doensn't immediatly know if one is his/her lyraphyte it comes in phases.

•phase 1: the kistune feels some kind of attraction towards the other party. Like they can entrust their life to them, which mostly leads to a close friendship. In other cases you have a hate/like relationship.

•phase 2: the kitsune becomes unexplainably protective of the other party and will try everything everything to keep them safe even if the method is embarressing

•phase 3: the kitsune feels lonely and abandoned if the other party isn't near him/her

•phase 4: the kistune couple starts to recognise the feeling of love towards their partner and engage a romantic relationship

•phase 5: the kitsunes will feel little shocks when touching eachother and feel a strong pull in their stomach. These feelings won't go away untill after completing the bond.

Lyraphytes only exists out of kitsunes there are no lyraphytes between a kistune and any other species.

"Am i the only one getting confused or?" "Shut up snake" "so if im reading this correctly..... nanami is tomoes Lyraphyte?" Kurama asks, "it seems to imply that...." "But nanami-chan was a human"

"Well clearly not acording to what we have read they are lyraphytes and since they've already engaged in a romantic relationship. I would say they're phase 4 almost 5" kurama states.

"But the book also says a lyraphyte couple exists out of kitsunes only, and nanami surely was a human" "maybe there is more to her then we think" mizuki ponders.

"Anyway.... i now have a pretty good idea where to look" akura-oh says with a smirk. "Where are we going?" "To Tomoes castle!" "REALLY! NOW YOU THINK OF SEARCHING HIS HOUSE!!" mizuki exclaims following the redhead and the popstar.

Hey guys! This chapter contained a LOT of info!! Hopefully this will help you in the upcoming chapters.
GOOD NEWS!!!: i've finished my cambridge exam and it was easy!! Gosh i could've just made a final on school and i wouldn't notice the difference! My level must get really hard test cuz i don'tthink they would make easy exams!! Anyway now i can focus more on my story so YEEY!!

Byebye love~ Samantha

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