Chapter Eighteen

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I scanned through the books that pertained to the descendants of magic or even Rowan himself although there were rarely anything about it. There was one man that I could think of who knew about my father, Dumbledore. I shut the book neatly and placed the book into a bag, Malfoy was currently out most likely torturing Potter again. I didn't need him though, it would be nice to have someone familiar by my side to help me go through these changes of my life but I also started to feel bad. I dragged Malfoy into something way beyond us, I couldn't even begin to imagine the stress he was under.

Harassing Potter was probably the only relief he felt and enjoyed throughout his day. This was just something I had to do on my own for once, he helped me this far when he didn't have to and now it's my job to return the favor.

I slipped my way through the halls, making sure that I wasn't being followed or accidentally run into a familiar face. Specifically Pansy or Macarius, Pansy and I still haven't been able to make amends and I personally wanted nothing to do with Macarius. Too much damage was caused and if I was being honest, I don't think things will ever be the same again.

As I stepped foot into Dumbledores office, I was immediately met with a bright red Phoenix swooping down from the stairs and landing on a small post next to the desk.

"What can I do for you Silverwood?" Dumbledore asked as he emerged from the shadows, he made his way downstairs and I took a gulp.

"I need to ask you a question....about my father" that was such a strange thing to say, I wasn't even sure if I would call this man my father. I was so used to the idea of my father being someone completely different, it just felt so wrong to say it.

"What about your father?" He stood in front of me, looking down.

"Rowen Slitherwood"

"Ahh, I wondered when you would figure out, I just didn't expect you to take so long" Dumbledore smiled and waved his hand in the air, motioning me to follow him.

"Uh- sir, I'm not sure what you mean" I furrowed my eyebrows as he pulled a random book off the shelf although it didn't come all the way off. A small click was heard and the bookshelf glided to the side, opening a secret passageway. The first things you were met with was stairs leading downward and pitch blackness as you peered down the stairs.

"Let's get going!" Dumbledore used his wand as a light source and lead the way.

I made sure to stay awfully close to the old wizard, afraid of tripping and falling. As we walked down the stone stairs, pebbles were kicked beneath our feet, causing a small echo as it bounced down. This clearly wasn't going to be a short walk.

"Your father came to me many years ago, he dropped off some books and a letter. He told me that he had a daughter and that when she was old enough, she would come to Hogwarts." Dumbledore explained, as we reached the bottom of the stairs, the area was now full of light.

The room was huge as we approached a large body of water, I felt the energy shift. Although I couldn't quite explain what I was exactly feeling, it was so foreign to me.

"And well, when he told me that you guys were the descendants of magic itself, I hardly believed it. It wasn't until he showed me what he could really do, he told me when you were ready, to let you have this" he reached his hand out to point to the water, suddenly the room shook with great intensity.

The water in the middle of the room drained as an ivory white pillow emerged, poking out while a glass bell dome jar incased some books stacked neatly on top each other, a small letter sat perfectly still at the top of it all. Stepping stones surfaced, leading towards the pedestal, I stepped back in surprise at the entire display. I turned towards Dumbledore not sure if I was allowed to proceed, he only nodded at me as if he could read my thoughts.

I took a deep breath and stepped on one of the stones, the water around me suddenly glowed a bright as the whimsical greenish yellow smoke began to swarm around me. A small breeze hit me, blowing my hair behind me, although it wasn't cold. Once I reached the pillar, I lift the glass slowly and move it to the side, luckily the stand was wide enough, I then snatched the books and the letter up.

When I stepped off the stepping stone, returning to Dumbledore, the green and yellow smokey effect diminished. Behind me the stepping stones submerged themselves once again and the middle of the pond, where the pillar was located, pooled with water returning to its previous state. It was almost as if you couldn't tell that the area has been disturbed at all. I looked back at Dumbledore as I held the objects close to my chest.

"I suppose this is where my journey with you end, I am unfamiliar with ancient magic, just don't get yourself killed" Dumbledore smiled, I wasn't sure if he was trying to make a joke or not but it wasn't funny in the slightest.

"Thank you Professor Dumbledore" I expressed my gratitude and started to leave the area.

Please father, help me find you. I need answers.

Foolish || A Draco Malfoy Love StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang