Chapter Fourty

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(Authors Note; I apologize for being unable to provide you with another chapter for a long period of time. I have been dealing with more environmental stress but this book should be back on track. I hope you enjoy.)

(Tw; this chapter contains scenes that may not be suitable for young audiences. Mentions of suicide will be present. You have been warned.)

Me and Pansy sat at Witches Brewery, a small joint at the corner of Hogsmaede. It was an uncommon place for two young students to be sitting in, it was a pub after all, yet we were only there for the delicious food.

"Let me get this straight, you and Macarius has been hooking up? For a week now? And you're catching feelings for him BUT he likes someone else?" I asked taking a sip of my Spiderweb Milkshake.

"Yeah.." she trailed off "I know it's a bad situation to be in" she audibly groaned.

"Horrible" I interjected.

"But it just kind of happened" she placed her head on the table.

"Hooking up doesn't 'kind of happen,' you have full control over your action" I point at her and roll my eyes.

"Oh yeah? And what is this I have heard about you and Malfoy spending Christmas together? He doesn't even celebrate that stuff" she glared at me.

"I am painfully aware...I think his dad doesn't care for me all too much. His mom really likes me, we got along great but his dad seems distant and he gives me these weird looks. I have tried to ignore them but anytime he sees me close to Malfoy he just looks..." I stared at my hands which were on the table. He looks disgusted.

Pansy places a hand on mine and gives me a pitiful look "I'm sure he needs time to get to know you" I drew my hand away from hers and looked away from her gaze.

"It doesn't make sense though, I thought we were getting along great! I convinced him to try out new things, or so I thought. I tried helping him with his own relationship. I have been incredibly respectful. I never did or said anything to give him a horrible impression but as the days passed he just became more and more aggressive around me" I shake my head and raise up from the table.

"Forget it, but you really need to figure out this Macarius situation" she pulls out some coins and places them on the table before rushing out the door to catch up with me.

"Hey, I get that this whole Malfoy's dad situation is kind of fucking with you but don't get mad at me for it" she shakes her head.

"I'm sorry Pansy, you're right. I guess it's not just his dad, it's me too. I've been dealing with a lot of shit and I've had this heavy weight on my chest, I feel so guilty for involving Malfoy in my shit" I sighed, it took a lot of guts to admit that about myself. Knowing that Malfoy wanted to be there didn't persuade my feelings of incompetence or insecurities either.

"Well maybe I could help" Of course Pansy would attempt to carry the burden also, why wouldn't she?

"Thank you Pansy, it's just that..." I sighed "I can't even catch up with everything that's been going on. I don't know a whole lot and because of that, it's hard to explain" a part of me really did want to tell her, but would she hate me more for keeping this a secret? For lying to her this entire time? Did I really want to live with that guilty conscience? But if I didn't tell her, perhaps I would have just dug my grave deeper and she surely wouldn't listen to what I have to say.

"Then start with what you do know! I won't judge, I promise" oh Pansy, what did I ever do to deserve you.

I take a deep breath "I'm adopted" I exhaled, although her facial expression never waivers, she just patiently waited for me to continue.

"I never knew until recently, come to find out my father is some sort of higher power, and I'm a descendant of them. I know ancient magic and have been learning ancient languages —" I began to rush my words, on the brink of tears. "I went to Spellhaven and I saw my father! And now he might be dead! He hasn't reached out to me at all and Voldemort has this weird thing that has been draining ancient magic! What am I suppose to do with all of this information?? I never signed up for this" I couldn't hold back the tears anymore. I was a mess. I finally broke, everything became too much.

"God Pansy, I just wonder if maybe everything will go away if I just....died"

"Don't you ever say that, you are loved by so many. And I may have not understood anything that you just told me but I will ALWAYS be by your side" she pulled me into a tight embrace, a small smile crept upon my face as I hugged her back.

"Pansy, you truly are my best friend, I don't know what I would do without you" I choked out.

"Probably have killed yourself"

We pull away from the sentimental moment and made our way back towards Hogwarts.

"Let's go solve your romance problem now"

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