Part 3

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Its been 2 months since Zaayan came to the school. But because of schedule now she couldn't attend his classes. As he took classes in B section but Tahra is in A section. Though she don't forget to take his glances secretly at lunch time or at end of school. Fana was also noticing this but she was waiting for her bestie to inform herself. Almost everyone could notice the change in Tahra's behavior though she always change the topic if anyone ask her about Zaayan. There was a fair in the city so Tahra and her friends went there. They enjoyed there a lot. While they were returning a friend said that she saw Professor Zaayan with a beautiful girl and when they asked who is she , sir blushed on their question. He also buy her many things. They were praising about the Professor couple but there was a single person who wasn't happy to listen all . It was Tahra , she quickly called a rickshaw and went away saying she is feeling sick.


Today was the last class as from tomorrow summer vacation will start. Her mood was very bad as even after coming school everyone was talking about the Professor couple. Some students saw them in rickshaw while holding hands. Tahra was totally pissed of even Fana also didn't come today. But suddenly Zaayan entered the class instead of their other english professor. Tahra was not looking at Zaayan even at board , she was just lost in her thoughts. Suddenly Zaayan said,

"Is there anyone named Taha in this class?" All students shake there head. He again asked,

"Then who submitted the assignment at last?''

A student shouted Tahra's name making her flinch and come out of her dreamland when Zaayan asked her to stand up. Zaayan asked while looking at the assignment,

"Did you write the assignment by yourself?"

"Yes sir. Did i do any mistake?" Tahra asked nervously.

"Was all the words and dreams you written in this is your true feelings?"

"Yes sir"

"Great you are such a brave girl , i am proud of you my brave girl" Zaayan said with a big smile making Tahra's heartbeat fast also she blushed crazily and thanked him.

"Keep going but why is your face so dull and gloomy today"

" Actually sir the school is going off that's why "

"But it is good na you can stay in home all day"

"What will i do ? Will i crop the grass for cow?" The whole class laughed at her making her facepalm.

"You are really funny." Zaayan said with a smile and started the lecture.

Time doesn't stop for anyone . It goes with its flow. Now it was the last semester , The school organized a picnic for students. Everyone was going to their respective bus. Tahra was praying to god that Zaayan should be in her bus but God didn't listen to her. He was sent to the parents bus. not only Tahra but also making many other girls heart break.

The picnic was also going well. Tahra was clicking photos with every teacher, though her agenda was having a pic with Professor Zaayan. The function came to end with a song sang by Professor Zaayan. He was feeling thirsty so he asked for water, almost every girl students beside him give him their bottle . Tahra also forwarded her bottle but seeing so many bottle when she was taking her hand back Zaayan took her bottle and drank it. He went to pack up all the arrangement. Everyone was left only Tahra was roaming around then a teacher asked her if she clicked picture with every teacher . When Tahra said she didn't take with Zaayan as he was busy , the teacher took her to professor zaayan though she was insisting that it wasm't required.

"Professor Zaayan can you click picture with our dear student as she is taking with all teachers. She was hesitating to ask you" The professor said to Zaayan and went away while Tahra was fidgeting with her fingers. Zaayan said breaking the silence




"Oh yeah" She went beside him but her hand was shaking to click picture so she give the phone to Zaayan and said,

"Can you please click picture"

"Why not but why was you hesitating you can ask me anything, as a teacher i will try to help you as much as possible" For the first time they looked at each other eyes which didn't stay for 2 seconds even. 

''Done" Zaayan said after clicking the photo.

It was really a pleasant day for Tahra. Right now she was scrolling through her phone in bed when suddenly a message popped up from her friends group. She went to check the message and it was a screenshot. It was Zaayan sir's Instagram story's Screenshot where he confessed his love to her girlfriend. Soon the group's chat filled with brokenheart emojis from girls where boys was teasing the girls. Tahra didn't realize when her tears start to drop. Yes she was crying. It maybe attraction for other girls but what she felled for Professor Zaayan was true love. Her first love, her first crush also her first heartbreak now. She cried whole night till her tears dried down. She has asthma because of which crying too much is forbidden for her. Now she was having breathing problem, she can't go to someone as its already midnight. But she was unable to calm down so having no other way she called Fana.

"Yahh,dumbo why did you call me at this time. You broke my dream, i was going to kiss my crush al-" She got cut off by Tahra's broken voice.

"Fa--na i-i i am not getting enough of bre-eath, i-i "

"Tahra calm down just calm down baby, Listen to me okay. Close your eyes , breath in breath out. Try to remember how much fun did we have together on my birthday, you also covered my whole face with cake then i also throw cake to you. We was so loud that the manager asked us when will we go. And the teddy you know mom locked the teddy in cupboard and if i get it out she will put me in washing machine. You know today i put to cockroaches in bro's t-shirt. "

Listening to Fana's silly talks Tahra calmed down and smiled a little bit.

"Thank you Fana"

" Now tell me why did you cried? Is it because of Professor Zaayan!"

"How did you know"

"I am your bestie ok now say"

Tahra told everything from start to end. 

"So are you sad that he already has a girlfriend"

"NOO I am ashamed of myself how can i think of my teacher like that. You know me na i never thought about any boy like this even i always consider teachers like my parents . I am just so shameless. I am getting angry on myself to feel something like that , i am just feeling disgusted"

"Hey hey calm down. Its not your fault , we can't control our heart. Love can happen with anyone"

"I am not going to school anymore."

'' Don't talk like a stupid , we only have 2 month left for the final exam even Professor Zaayan don't take our class . So don't try to bunk school."


"Will you  not listen to me. Try to forget about him , i know it is tough but still"

"Ok i will forget about him , never think about him again"

"Hmm now sleep well"

"Ok love you friend"

"Thank you"

"I said i love you so return me back" Fana cut the call making Tahra huff and smile as she know this person will never reply to love you though she love her a lot.

Tahra close the diary and put it in the box . The diary  which contain her past which she can't forget though she tried. There was also a water bottle and a picture in the box. She put the box in cupboard and smiled sadly,

''Its been more than 6 years still i can't forget you, Why did you came to my life. You must be happy na with your family right now but see i am right there where i was 6 years ago. ''

Now Tahra is working as a computer engineer in a reputed company. She has completed her graduation a few months ago. As her result was good she got job early. She applied for major degree course in a private college. Her class will start from tomorrow. Now she was preparing everything as she has to go to college also office.

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