Part 4

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This is first time when Tahra is going to an institution without Fana as they both went to same school and college but Fana is now married. She went to her classroom and sat on last bench. After sometime class filled with students and the lecturer start talking. After class when she asked the teacher for schedule he told her to get it from principal cabin as she came in mid semester. She went to the principal cabin and knocked the door. Getting permission she entered the room only to get a shock because there was Zaayan sitting in principal chair. She blinked her eyes a few times then slapped her face lightly but nothing changed moreover Zaayan was now staring at her weirdly.

"Sir actually teacher told me to collect schedule from you?"

"Ohh which department"


"Here " Tahra was leaving after getting the schedule when Zaayan suddenly called her

"Did we meet earlier , actually i think i saw you somewhere"

Tahra glanced at the nameplate on table and replied

"Actually sir i studied in XXX school. You was a teacher then there, you might have seen me there."

"Wait wait are  you T-Tah-Tahra , right?"

"Umm yes sir i am"

"Hey how are you brave girl , you changed a lot"

"Yeah, I am good. How are you sir" 

"I am fine tell me about yourself what are you doing now, did you get married?"

"No sir, i am single. I am working in XXX company as a computer engineer"

"Woh, it feel good to listen that you fulfilled your dream''

"Thank you sir, but you here? I mean.."

"You know na i was a former navy officer "


"Actually my senior is the trustee of this college , he is now a little ill also the earlier principal was corrupted so he told me join and I also accepted the proposal"

"Ohh that's great"

"So how did you like the college and if you get any trouble in college you can call me" He said giving her his card.

"Ok sir then i will get going"

"Ok goodbye"


Tahra came out of the room and breath out . Only she know how did she pass this time, her heart would blast if she stayed some more time. She was feeling so happy but then realization hit her that till now Zaayan might also have a child and she is again thinking about him. She start to hit her head with wall lightly but suddenly a hand came between her head and wall. When she looked up she saw it was Zaayan, she Stumble  and was going fall when Zaayan hold her by waist.

''Mumma ghost''

''Hey there is no ghost open your eyes" She opened her eyes only to find her in Zaayan's arms. She backed away quickly

"Are you ok, why was you hitting your head and you didn't change a little bit. At the first day of school you call me ghost even at the first day at college you are calling me ghost." He said with a chuckle.

"Umm actually i u i mean headache was having. No i mean i was having headache so..... and thanks for saving me also sorry ghost i mean for calling you ghost" She was so embarrassed on herself that she quickly run away.

Zaayan just laughed at her disappearing figure and muttered,

"Cute silly girl"

Zaayan couldn't recognize her at first as Tahra has became a lot slim less that even half what she was also she grower her hairs almost till knees even she wears glasses now.

Time start to pass it was a function held in college for the student who passed the major this year. She came first in whole batch. Zaayan was so proud of her. Zaayan and Tahra interacted a lot time in this 1 year. They also became like friends though there is a full ten years difference between them. Tahra was 25 while Zaayan was almost 36. 

Everyone was enjoying the party while a girl came to give a juice to Tahra . It was confusing to her as the girl don't like her a bit yet taking to her nicely. Then Tahra drank it as she didn't want to hurt anyone by her act without knowing she was calling her own downfall. After sometime she starts to feel uneasy so she went toward washroom. But before she could reach there a group of boy dragged her to a room she was thrashing around but the boys was much stronger that her. They throw her in a room and start going close to her while she was backing. But soon a boy came and snatch her scarf. She was crying and shouting loudly but none can hear as music was too laud and it was already night time, teachers also start to leave. A boy came to her and pinned her hands with floor . He was trying to kiss her but she was moving too much so he slapped her hardly making her lips bleed. He tore her dress sleeves and again tried to kiss her but someone was banging on door.


I was walking through the corridor when i heard shouting but i thought it was nothing as i was a little drunk. Actually i didn't wanted to drink but some teachers forced me so i even drank. As i was a little tipsy i am returning to home. But i again heard that shouting it was from storeroom. Also the voice seem to known. I rushed toward the room and started banging . A boy slightly open the door when i asked the boy about shouting he said i might have misheard. But i could see his nervousness also some muffling sounds so i pushed the boy and entered the room. I was shocked to see the view a boy was hovering over Tahra and keeping his pam on her face. Moreover her dress was torn. The boys pushed me and locked the door from outside after went out. I rushed to Tahra and covered with her my coat . She was crying so i hugged her to calm her down. But she was pushing me thinking the boy , i hugged her tightly and said

"Calm down calm down. They have gone, they are gone. I am Zaayan, professor Zaayan . Try to come to conscious i am here. No one can harm you. Look at me."

Tahra open her eyes slowly and saw Zaayan so she even hugged him back. But she was feeling hot and also dizzy. She was feeling she wants someone touch , she lose control and started kissing Zaayan. At first Zaayan was too shocked but then he realized and pushed her but she was again approaching him,

"Please don't leave me alone, please don.t go. Stay with me i-i want you this dress. It is suffocating me." Tahra said while trying to open her dress . Zaayan quickly stopped her but when his hand touch her skin he could feel her body is burning up. Then he realize that she was given drugs. He grabbed her tightly as she was opening her dress. But Tahra again kissed her . This time the kiss become messy as she entered her tongue in his mouth. Zaayan also lost control and started kissing her. He came to her neck and started to give her open mouth kiss. Tahra also started to open his shirt. Zaayan hovered  over her and again both started kissing. But suddenly Zaayan stopped kissing thinking he is doing wrong as she is not in her sense. She started whining not feeling anyone's touch but this time Zaayan control him though it was too tough for him. Tahra was moving too much so he hugged her tightly. After sometime both drift to sleep as one was too drunk and another was drugged not knowing the consequences of this.

             TO BE CONTINUED...............


                                               KHUDA HAFEEZ

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