Part 8

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Tahra was serving food to everyone while Zaayan said,

"You also sit with us , we can serve ourselves."

"Daughter-in-laws have to serve food. They eat later. Did you forget our family's rule."  Hamida Begum said coldly who is Zaayan's mother.

"But sister-in-law also eat with us from first day then why she can't" Zaayan said not liking the tone.

"I don't like talking while eating. Did you forget?" Amzad Khan ( Zaayan's father) said strictly.

"It's ok I will eat later. I want to serve everyone, I like it. You eat." Tahra said to calm down the situation. Zaayan was not accepting but Tahra pleaded her by eyes which he couldn't reject. All started going to their respective room. Zaayan's parents called him to their room so he went there while Tahra was cleaning the dishes.


"How could you married without our consent. Don't we matter to you even a little" Hamida said.

"Mom, it's nothing like that. The situation was like that so we had to marry."

"Then break the marriage" Amzad said making Zaayan look at him with disbelief,

"Dad you taught me that marriage is not a game. We have to fulfil it if it happens."

"But it was a forced one." Hamida protests.

"But we both accepted each other. We are giving our marriage a chance then what is the problem."

"The problem is she. Who is she? Do you know her family? Her background? Her anything?" Hamida asked.

"I married her not her family or background and I am to breaking it. "

"You gonna regret it " Amzad said in a warning tone.

Zaayan just chuckled and went out.
But someone was hearing all this with teary eyes before anyone could notice she went away.

Zaayan came to his room and saw that Tahra was packing her things. He shocked by her act and asked,

"Why the hell are you packing?"

"I am returning to my apartment."

"Have you gone mad, what are you saying and why will you go there."

"I know your parents don't like me. I also don't want to come between you and your parents."

"Do you know what you are saying!"

"Yes. Send me the divorce papers I will sign it."

Tahra turned her head toward Zaayan hearing some breaking sound and she saw that he threw a vase which make his hand also bloody. She widen her eyes and went to him. She tried to take his hand but he back away saying ,


"But your hand."


"Please let me treat your hand then--"

"Why the hell do you care just go na"

"I care of course I care you are my husband. Blood is dripping, it's hurting you."

"You can see this hurting but you are hurting me more by going away. I had said na that I want this marriage. When I am accepting this marriage then why are you thinking about others."

" I know the pain of not having your parents beside you, having their hate only. I don't want you too feel the same pain." She said and finally broke into tears hugging him. Zaayan also hugged her back saying,

"Why aren't you understanding you are my wife, my closest person , a very important person in my life. It is difficult for me to live without you also."

"But your parents"

"They are my parents I know them . They can never hate me. And you are here na , you can win everyone's heart. I have trust on you , will you do this for me."

"I will try me best."

"Also promise me that you will never think about leaving me even.''

"Ok promise . Now will you please give me your hand"

"I am fully yours , you can take me in anyway you want. You know" Zaayan said with a smirk.


"I didn't even did anything and you are saying me this then let me do something pervertness ."

"Yahh stop teasing me and let me bandage it you angry man. Who becomes so angry on this matter."

"Me. And now you have to handle this angry man till the last breath. Because only death can make us apart."

Tahra put her palm on his mouth.

"Please don't say anything about death. I have only you in this world. I have found you after many years, I can't lose you."

"Many years means?" Zaayan confusingly asked.

                   TO BE CONTINUE.....

Sorry guys for short part as my exam is going. I will give a big part soon. Hope you liked it . If you enjoy then don't forget to vote and share also comment down how much did you like..

                                      KHUDA HAFEEZ

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