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*Next Morning*

Mini was sitting in her room after having her breakfast and was thinking about her decision.

'I think I should tell my decision soon, it would be foolish to delay any longer.

Should i call him now or?i think i should do it now because it is urgent.'

She picked up her phone and called Ethan........

(The other side)

Ethan sat in his office working, his aura so menacing and powerful that he didn't seem like the sweet, caring, loving boy he was yesterday.

"This is an office, you come here to work, you get paid for working here, not for gossiping.This is the first and last warning I am giving you, after that if this happens next time be ready to resign." Ethan said calmly to his employee.

Everyone in the office knows that Ethan's calming voice is like the calm before the storm.

"I'm sorry sir it will never happen again."

"Hmm you can go now."

"Thank you sir." He bowed his head and took a sigh of relief in his mind and came out of Ethan's office room and closed the door.

Ethan gets busy with his work again, a few moments later his phone starts ringing.

Love of my life♥️

After seeing the name on the phone, a very sweet and big smile appeared on his face, as if he had not been angry some time ago. Without wasting any time he immediately picked up the phone.

His heart jumped with joy because his Mini called him, for whom he was eagerly waiting. He heard a lovely and sweet voice as soon as he picked up the phone.

"Hello Ethan"

"Hi Mini, how are you?"

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm good too."

"Umm...are you busy, if you are I'll call later."

"No no I'm free now." He said, sliding the deck of documents on his desk.

"Uh I wanted to ask if we could meet?"

He smiled brightly when he saw her taking the initiative to meet him.

"I'm in office how about dinner in the evening, hmm?"

After thinking for a while she answers, "Ok"

"Ok i will pick you up at half past six."

"Ok, bye"

"Bye, take care."

"You too" She disconnects the call.

Ethan ruffles his hair, feeling happy to meet her again. Only he knows what he is feeling in his heart at this moment. But poor boy didn't know what was going on in her mind, he was just thinking about his happiness, not knowing why she suddenly wanted to meet him.

In the blink of an eye it was half past six, Mini dressed in a casual black jeans and lavender top because for her it's just a dinner where she's going to tell Ethan about her feelings and end things there.

Mini got ready and came out of her room and went down the stairs. She told her mother in the afternoon that she would meet Ethan in the evening, but did not say why she was meeting or what was on her mind. Her mother tried hard to pacify her, to clear all the unnecessary things going on in her mind.

But Mini did not back down from the decision she was about to take. She will reconsider her decision only after clearing her mind in front of Ethan and seeing his reaction.

"Bye mom, I'll be back in a while."

Her mother sighed at her stubbornness and replied, "Bye take care."

Jack and Misha were in the living room when Mini was talking to her mother. When Jack saw Mini going out, he asked her,

"Where are you going?"

Mini thinks for a while and then says, "Don't interrupt me on my way out."

"Mini, how can you talk to your brother like this." Misha angrily told her.

"Why, I said it just like brother taught me." Mini said innocently,

"When did i teach you such a thing?" This time Jack asks her,

"You didn't teach me but you did it, so I learned it myself after seeing you, now you remember when you did this, till then b-bye." Saying this, Mini left him lost in his own thoughts, while Mrs. Mia started smiling seeing Mini retaliating like this.

Well for Misha, she was shocked to see Mini responding to her brother this way, because she knew how much Mini loved and respected Jack.

While Jack was thinking about what Mini had said to him, after some thinking he remembered something.

[ Jack and Misha were getting ready to go out. When, "where are you going brother?" Mini asks her brother

"Mini you shouldn't interrupt us when we're going out." Misha answers Mini instead of Jack,

"Yes Mini, you don't even know that one should not interrupt someone when he is going out, it is not a good thing." This time Jack said to Mini.

"Leave it, let's go otherwise we will be late." Misha said to Jack. ]

When Jack remembered other things, he felt very guilty, like how he had treated Mini in the past, always giving cold answers or avoiding her whenever she asked him anything. So now he wants to make up for it.

After some time Jack said "Misha, when Mini comes back, tell her that we all are going out on a long drive."

"Ok. Um......can we take Sara as well?" Misha asks back,

"Hmm sure"

Ethan was waiting for Mini outside and as soon as Mini came out he felt the same emotions that he felt when he saw her for the first time. And what's more, Mini was looking very casual today but in Ethan's eyes she seemed to be the most beautiful girl.

He came out of his trance when Mini stood in front of him and call out his name.

"Ah let's go." He said opening the passenger door for her to sit.

Mini and Ethan didn't say anything during the entire trip to the restaurant. Mini was looking out the window lost in her own thoughts and Ethan was lost in Mini's thoughts.

Only after reaching the destination, both of them came out of their thoughts.

After getting out of the car, both of them went inside the hotel.

"Hello sir and ma'am welcome to our hotel. This way please." The manager said with a formal smile. They both go behind the manager.

After some time, both of them come to their private dining room and settle down.

"A waiter will come shortly and take your order. Please wait until then, thank you." The manager said before leaving.

"Umm... Ethan I need to talk to you about something important."

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