Chapter 5

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Yrsa had awoken early and freed herself from the tangle of Inga's limbs. After last night's events she felt the need to clear her head, she rose almost silently and slipped out of her quarters into the courtyard. The dawn's light was beautiful, it danced in between the wisps of clouds.

She greeted the watchmen at the gate and briefly explained how she wanted to walk outside. They looked at her with apprehension. No doubt her escapades last night were common knowledge now. She edged outside the walls of Dunholm and down the beaten track, she began walking towards a small forest a hill away.

Yrsa found a small clearing in the nearby woods and briefly looked around before reaching for her sword. She flexed her grip around the leather handle memorising the curves and grooves, before pulling it from its sheath. Her Danish sword had been welded in her homeland; it was a basic blade, sharp enough, however its defining feature were the runes etched into the blade itself.

Uruz (strength), Algiz (protection), Hagalaz (disruption). They were chosen by her mother, before her death. Yrsa lifted the blade and watched it dance in the light, she felt its familiar weight. The blade was a lot heavier than one may think and as a warrior she had learned to move her muscles to accommodate it. She swung the blade left and right. She lifted it overhead and down cleaving through the air. She practised moving and willing the blade to her tempo, Yrsa often found herself doing this dance, She felt it necessary, as a true warrior was never too arrogant to hone their craft.

"It's a beautiful blade madam." a voice spoke out from behind. Yrsa whipped around her sword drawn in front of her. At the tree line stood a young saxon man with a bowl haircut, in monks robes and armour, a cross around his neck. His face was lit in a kind smile as he spoke "Forgive me I didn't mean to startle you. I am Osferth, one of Uhtred's men, I saw you earlier but you don't remember me it seems. No worry, my face is easily forgettable."

Yrsa lowered her weapon before quirking her head to the side "One of Uhtred's men is a priest?"

"I'm not a priest madam, I'm a monk." She was shocked by his quiet gentle tone and relaxed body posture. He looked like a clumsy young boy, not a warrior. "And you Osferth, are one of Uhtred's warriors?" she spoke softly. Her eyes moved to memorise the features of his face, he had kind blue eyes and a timid disposition.

"I am my lady, forgive me for interrupting you. I was merely out for a morning stroll, may I accompany you back to the fort?" he inquired gently.

"Of course you may." Yrsa returned, falling instep with the saxon. "If you'll forgive my curiosity, I would like to ask about your religion?" Osferth asked gently "I don't mean to offend but I wish to know, if you don't practise your witchcraft, How is skade deemed less powerful?" His tone was academic and curious as if he was trying to analyse her.

Yrsa answered his question "I can answer that. She is more powerful. She convenes with the gods and I do not. They are unfavourable to me at this time. However the priestess on our lands declared that Freyja had blessed my path upon my birth and if I chose I could become one of the most powerful sorcerers in dane history." She paused and took a breath, gazing at a bird gently flying above.

"However that is not the path I chose to lead, as such Skade is more powerful than me. However Freyja's blessing has never wavered, as such Skade cannot harm me directly. I also carry these rune stones, a gift from my mother, should I ever wish to pursue my Faith again." She smiled gently at Osferth.

"So you have chosen a path without your beliefs for yourself, my lady?" He asked

"I have Osferth. But I still listen to the gods will, I would never defy them.  What about you? You are a man of god yet are here surrounded by 'heathens'" Yrsa questioned.

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