Chapter 2

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Yrsa and her party had been travelling for days on horseback and were nearing the stronghold at Dunholm where Skade and Uhtred were said to reside. Her ass was sore from the riding and her mind drawn tight with worry. She had not planned how to approach skade or Uhtred and only had hope that Ragnar Ragnarson would be welcoming to a lone shieldmaiden and her two companions.

Yrsa's Auburn hair flowed around her in the breeze before she snagged her fingers through it and tied it at the height of her head in a ponytail . Inga had insisted, as always, at plaiting her wild mane away from her face in a series of small braids, yet she had left the underside free. Yrsa was never insecure of her appearance however she was highly aware of how she stood apart from a crowd.

Yrsa had been blessed with her fathers large frame, she was tall, nearly as tall as most men and muscular. Her large figure was not one of Yrsa's favourite things about herself, however Inga always insisted she was 'an extremely strong warrior who just so happens to have tits'. Cian had even chimed in once when Yrsa had complained she was too large after a man in a tavern had called her fat. He had said in his same monotone gruff voice "You are nae Fat, Only curvaceous. Besides some men like a little more to hold at night. Ya kenn?". At that remark Inga had coiled her face in alarm and smacked him on the arm, before they had all descended into laughter. Yrsa's figure was uncommon in these lands it would seem, as she was keenly aware of the stares she got from strangers regularly. From a young age her father had insisted she not rely on the gods for protection and had trained her in the many arts of combat. Being the eldest sibling she was expected to protect her family, a burden she had bared happily until it had all been torn away. However she refused to think upon her childhood. For now she focused on the open fields and hills ahead of her.

In the distance stood a tall domineering fortress rested upon a large hill. Cian's gruff voice pierced her thoughts "Yrsa there are two men watching us from the ridge to our left, Danes". Yrsa noted Ragnar's lookouts and responded. "They are only watching to report back to Ragnar, We're three strangers on their territory. I'd do the same if I were him"

Their horses slowly approached the track leading to the entrance of Dunholm. It was large imposing fort with tall walls a multiple lookout posts. A blond Dane with tattoos on his forehead stood on the parapet and called out. "I am Ragnar Ragnarson lord of this fort. State your name and business here."

Yrsa did not bristle at his harsh tone and calmly responded "I am Yrsa Törstensdötter. I am here to speak to Skade, the witch. I believe she is within the walls under the company of Uhtred of Babbenburg"

Ragnar replied "she is currently confined with Uhtred, why should I let you and your party of strangers into my home?"

"I have urgent business with Skade. Me and my party will swear no harm on this fort or anyone inside. You can even take our weapons off us if you so choose" Yrsa responded calmly. She was keenly aware of how closely Ragnars men were surveying her party and she didn't want any bloodshed. At her talk of surrendering their weapons She heard Inga open her mouth to interject, but not before Cian's harsh tone cut through " Do nae open yer mouth Inga. Just follow Yrsa's lead"

Ragnars voice cut back "Fine i'll allow you in. But if you break your word you and your party will not leave her alive. That is my first and only warning" Yrsa nodded her head slowly as a sign of acknowledgement.

The large Gates of the fort swung open and two men stood at either side , They led their horses inside of the fort. As they dismounted, men came forth to take their weapons. Yrsa felt an ugly brute of a Dane grope and cup every part of her body as she resisted the urge to slap him. He pulled her various weapons from their concealed places however he missed the dagger in her boot and she breathed a sigh of relief. Yrsa hated to be without a weapon of some kind, it filled her with a gnarled anxiety.

To her left she heard a large man Yelp out in pain she turned her head to see him clutching his foot. Inga looked at Yrsa with mock Innocence before speaking "I told him to stop groping my tit and he didn't". Cian's low chuckle sounded out quietly to Yrsa's right as she fought her own. Despite Inga's outburst, Yrsa's party complied as their stash of swords, axes and daggers were stripped from them.

Yrsa turned to meet a Dane man with long hair pulled into a braid, shaved at the sides and a sword slung over his back. The handle was set with an amber stone and he seemed tense like a cat ready to pounce at any given moment.

Yrsa's gaze wandered to the man on his right, a small dane with an angular face. His hair was shaven on both sides and he had a tattoo running along the side of his head, he had a deadpan gaze.

Before Yrsa gazed to his left. It was there she saw a tall muscular man with cropped hair short on either side and a full beard. His face was set in curiousity however, Yrsa could see the coldness in his eyes. Her gaze wondered his body from head to toe and it was undeniable how attractive he was. He had a large frame with muscular arms buldging out of his sleeveless leather breastplate. Yrsa gathered herself quickly, she would not allow herself to acknowledge the unease in her lower stomach as her gaze wandered his body.

The Danes harsh voice interrupted her ogling "I am Uhtred of Babbenburg, you wish to speak to Skade. She is under my company and I would like you to state your intentions towards her"

Yrsa took a moment and examined him closely, his skin was thin and pale, his eyes deep-set surrounded by dark circles and his body although it had seemed alert, on closer inspection appeared taxed and laced with fatigue. Yrsa's mouth quirked up as she turned her head and in a knowing tone spoke "She has cursed you Uhtred". His eyes lit with surprise as she continued "I am Skade's blood sister on our fathers side, and I am here to discuss matters of her family. I do not care about her curse on you nor will I attempt to intervene. I simply wish to settle with her and leave"

He raked his gaze over her body and she was reminded of how Skade was thin and petite compared to her, not to mention skade's bright blonde hair compared to her wavy red mane. He responded his tone laced with apprehension "You are Skade's sister?"

"We may not share the same features but I assure you we are linked by blood." Yrsa replied her tone tight with annoyance.

"If this is true, you may speak to her and settle your familial matters. However I will warn you she is in a cage and she will stay there. Should you try to set her free you and your party will not leave here alive" his tone was decisive and left no room for negotiation.

Yrsa drawled out "I already told you I will not intervene in your curse, you can keep her for all I care"

Suddenly the Man to the left of Uhtred spoke up "You say intervene as if you have some sway in the matter. Could you remove his curse?" The man's voice was lyrical with an Irish lilt and his expression had changed to one of dismissal and apprehension.

Yrsa was quick to respond. "I am blessed by Freyja however I choose not to convene with the gods. I will not save Uhtred of Babbenburg from this curse as I do not wish to" She felt the need to defend herself against this man.

He spoke roughly "You wouldnt help a cursed man even though you have the power to?" his words laced with venom.

"I have no loyalty to you or your leader irishman, why should I help you and go against my sister. She has clearly cursed you for her own reasons, albeit probably crazy ones" she snapped back levelling her gaze at him with defiance.

His eyes lit with anger as he opened his mouth to respond, Uhtred snapped out "Finan enough." Yrsa turned her gaze back to Uhtred and tried to speak without sounding as angry as she felt. "Please let me speak to Skade, I wish to be done with this busuiness"

Uhtred responded "I will oblige Yrsa Törstensdötter, follow me"

Yrsa's turned to follow Uhtred away from the rest of the group but not before addressing the irishman. She spoke to him directly in his native tongue her tone tight with defiance "Tá tú trioblóide" (You are trouble) His reaction was instant. His eyebrows raised in shock as a curiosity sparked in his eyes. He retorted back "The same could be said about you, Witch". Yrsa bristled at that, she had not been called a witch in a long time and had always taken that name as an insult. She turned away following Uhtred and noticed that Cian had risen to his full height at her flank as what she marked as a protective gesture.

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