Chapter 3

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Yrsa approached what could only be described as a cage, following closely behind uhtred she wasn't surprised to see a charm made by a powerful witch. Examining the totem she saw it was a Nithstong. It was there to block skade's power and Ysra fought the urge to smile as she examined the symbols and runes of freyja blessed magic.

Uhtred stepped to the side and Yrsa was forced face to face with her sister. Her hair was the same straw blonde plaited with trinkets, her face tattooed and her eyes smudged with black. Skade's features flashed briefly with surprise before she addressed Yrsa in a cool tone. "Hello sister. I didn't expect to see you again. I thought you had died on your journey to Anglia, it's a shame you haven't". Yrsa felt Cian bristle behind her and made note to speak to him later about his new found protectiveness.

Yrsa had saved Cian after he had been banished and given a death sentence by his former clan in the North Celtic lands. Whilst there, Cian had taught her Scottish gaelic and she had lived with an old irish woman for a few years before meeting Cian, it was there she had learnt the irish language aswell. She had allowed him to follow her through various bounty and mercenary jobs, as she solved disputes in the celtic land she had tried to call home for a brief time.He had grown ever closer to her by the day, and something about that made her anxious. Although she loved Cian she was unsure if she could harbour romantic feelings towards him, she felt his nature was more brother like.

Yrsa returned her attention to Skade before addressing her in a strained tone "Törsten is dead. Leif our brother is now Earl over our homelands. He has sent me your inheritance and has asked me to gift it to you. I think he wants us to repair our relationship and he is also scared to leave the lands for fear of someone trying to challenge his Leadership. He is young and clumsy as we both know but he will be a fair leader."

Skade's features grew tight with apprehension."You would give me this money after everything? Why not keep it for yourself" she spoke.

Yrsa returned "I have no wish to re-live the past, you may take what is rightfully yours as I have. However I refuse to be held responsible for any of your actions. From now on the only thing that connects us is shared blood, I hold no affection for you Skade."

Skade repsonded her eyes lit with fire "Fine, we will become strangers. However I will warn you, I have seen the will of the gods. They are angry that you ignore them and they wish for conflict. You will be drawn into a fight which is not your own, and you will gain great fame from this. However it will come at a cost, the gods demand blood and you must oblige." She chanted out as if it were a curse.

Yrsa snapped back " I refuse to listen to your raving and ranting. I will take no part in it any longer. I will not let you try and control me Skade." She turned to the surly Dane Uhtred who was observing their interaction. She spoke harshly "Uhtred she will bring you luck, bad awell as good. Just beware she taints everything she touches, father was too blind to see it but I am not." With that Yrsa turned to leave.

As she looked to the seemingly empty courtyard she was surprised to see the irishman lurking in a corner observing their exchange. No doubt he heard heard everything between them. His eyes made her feel uneasy, she felt he was watching her with intrigue and wariness, she also felt something about him was off and Yrsa's intuition was never wrong. However, she refused to acknowledge him and headed towards the large danish hall.

Opening the doors she walked along in between the long tables to Ragnar and addressed him with what she hoped was Grace. "My business with Skade is finished but I must ask you to allow me and my party to recuperate here. Our horses need rest and I would prefer a large helping of ale and food. I am happy to offer coin for our stay." Ragnar chimed his response "I will allow you shelter in return I wish to discuss something with you later. Its about the future of all Danes in Anglia. All I ask in return for your stay is your ear." Yrsa nodded her approval thanking Ragnar before sitting herself and her party at a table in the corner.

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