Chapter 13: Hope

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The doctor pulled away from Hisako, removing his stethoscope from her back as he stood up to observe her. Hisako silently stared back at the doctor his arms crossed over his chest, his short black hair smoothed back as he regarded his patient. Neji stood along the far wall, his eyes never leaving Hisako. Finally, the doctor let out a defeated sigh.

"I'm sorry, Hisako. There isn't much we can do. I'm afraid your time is limited," the doctor repeated.

"Then why do I have to continue to come back for weekly checkups? If you never have anything productive to tell me then why torture me like this?"

She didn't mean to scream, it just burst out of her. The emotions, the fear, the anger, it had nowhere else to go but out. And of course, she had to direct her emotions at the person closest to her.

"To monitor your condition, see that the medications are working and-"

"Well, they're not! The medicines are garbage! I'm still in a lot of pain and-"

She was cut off by another coughing fit. Neji was by her in an instant holding her up as she hacked. It was a dry cough, one that brought with it a horrible crushing pain in her chest that brought tears to her eyes.

"If there's nothing more you can do, I think it'll be best for you to leave," Neji ordered the doctor, keeping his voice calm.

The doctor hesitated before turning on his heel and leaving Neji and Hisako alone in the room. Hisako sagged into Neji's chest, tears streaming down her cheeks as a desperate feeling took hold of her heart.

She didn't want to die.

Neji stiffened and Hisako heard the clinking sounds of geta sandals on the tile floor. Hisako lifted her tear stained face as she saw an older gentleman with long spikey white hair wearing a forehead protector with a Japanese symbol on it meaning oil. His large, thick arms were crossed over his burly chest. He wore a green kimono, with a red long vest over it, and two red lines struck down from his eyes like makeup.

"Who are you?" Neji demanded, "And how did you get in this room?"

"Who am I?" the man asked, his voice thick and husky as a curious smirk spread across his face, "Well that's easy! I am Jiraiya the great Toad Sage of Mount Myoboku!"

Jiraiya spread his arms out wide, taking up some sort of eccentric pose, that smile never leaving his face as he regarded the two solemn Genin. When it became obvious that neither Genin would respond to his display he cleared his throat and straightened up again.

"I'm here with a question for Hisako," Jiraiya continued, his dark eyes turning to Hisako.

"A question for me?"

"Hm," Jiraiya replied, his hand resting on his chin in contemplation for a moment, "Are you ready..." he paused and Hisako wasn't sure if she wanted to hear what his question was, "to die?"

Hisako's mouth opened wide in shock and Neji immediately stepped in front of her, dropping down into a protective stance. Jiraiya laughed nervously, raising his hands innocently.

"You took it the wrong way! Okay, okay! Simmer down. Your teammate, I think his name is Lee, took my question better than this!"

"L-Lee?" Hisako yelled in surprise.

"Yeah! I asked the kid if he was ready to give up his life as a Shinobi, you know 'cause of his injuries."

"You talked to Lee?" Hisako repeated, a confused look on her face as she stood up, resting a hand on Neji's shoulder.

Jiraiya stood up, regaining his composure, "The reason I ask is because if you're not ready to die yet, then, I'm here to tell you there's hope."

"And why should we listen to the ramblings of a man who busted into a hospital room through the window?" Neji demanded, Hisako felt his muscles coiled tight like a snake ready to strike.

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