Chapter 12: Battle of the Heart

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Death never seemed like an immediate possibility. Sure, death in battle was expected. But, it would never happen, right?

To be dead was the most disturbing feeling. She didn't understand it at first. It was just a bad hit, right? She could get up and walk it off. But, there was no pain. A light flashed for a moment, and then she was standing above her body. No, she was floating above her body. It was silent, almost serene as she saw herself lying on the floor broken and bloody staring up at the cloudless blue sky.

She saw the moment Guy Sensei arrived, saw him pick up her lifeless body. She heard Kakashi tell him there still might be hope. But, was that just wishful thinking? Was that just words to try and comfort a friend who was grieving in the middle of a crisis situation?

It felt like her spirit was being pulled with her body. She had no choice but to follow Guy Sensei. She saw Neji, saw the other Hyuga's when they arrived, and that was when the serenity, the calmness she felt came crashing down around her. She felt panic swell inside her very soul as she saw the despair and pain on Neji's face. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she screamed.

"No! No! This isn't fair!" Hisako yelled.

She stood right beside Neji, crying with him and Guy Sensei but that was when Lord Hyuga stepped up.


Neji turned his pained gaze up to his uncle, his arms trembling as he held onto Hisako's lifeless body.

"I'm not letting her die. Not like this," Lord Hyuga dropped to his knees and took Hisako from Neji lying her in front of him.

He brought his hands up to her chest and began to perform chest compressions. His hands glowed a light blue as he forced his chakra into her sternum, forcing her heart to pump with his chakra.

"Uncle," Neji whispered, as he watched helpless and feeling useless.

"Guy, go get a medic! Now!" Lord Hyuga ordered, "If I let her die here, then I'll have broken my word to her mother. I promised I would protect her. She's not dying, Neji,"

"Will it really work?" Neji demanded, his hand grabbing onto her hand and squeezing as he stared down at her pale face.

Hisako saw her crystal necklace glimmer and a second later, she heard a very familiar, almost musical feminine voice behind her.

"How interesting. I was expecting you to live longer than this," Lady Fuyumi said with a sigh.

Hisako turned her attention away from the scene below her, where Lord Hyuga was trying desperately to save her life.

"Lady Fuyumi," Hisako replied, a cry caught in her throat, and she choked on tears, "Please. Please! I don't want to be dead!"

Lady Fuyumi's gaze was soft as her blue eyes stared at her descendent, "Everyone must die my child. It's how the world works,"

Hisako's green eyes shook and she brought up both hands. She wasn't sure what she was going to do, was she going to hit Fuyumi? No. That would be stupid. So much rage and anger boiled up in her body and she wasn't sure how to expel it.

"However," Lady Fuyumi said, her gaze going to Lord Hyuga with a look of fondness, "It seems now may not be your time,"

Hisako turned around, her gaze going back to Lord Hyuga and Lady Fuyumi continued, "When that man attacked you, he hit you just right to send your heart into cardiac arrest. Your other injuries, while serious, are not immediately life threatening. What Lord Hyuga is doing, is forcing your heart to beat again. I can help him,"

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