64. Aftermath

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Third Person Pov

The evidences kept coming slowly, police lauched their full on investigation. Many things were revealed along with old records. During police raid on the island they found the hidden den where people were brought in unconscious state, procedures were performed then dropped back to their hometowns in unconscious state.

In the initial investigations, Jungkook was declared innocent. There were no evidences of his involvement in any kind of such crimes. His company was throughly investigated, which also came out clean. All the dealings and revenue generated was white and transparent through the years. Besides it was found out that he had no idea everything that was going on in shadows. He has always been kept in the dark regarding such things.

During the first trail in the court, Namjoon accepted his involvement in the dealings of organ trafficking. He couldn't deny it because his signatures were found on the documents.

However, the evidences and documentation went 25 years back. After the court was served with evidences that provided information on Jeon Jayhun being the prime suspect who initiated all of it.

It was evident that Jeon Jayhun was going to pay for his wrongdoings along with Namjoon. Iseul murder case was also reopened, declaring Namjoon as a primary suspect. Through the records leaked from the island, provided the evidences that the doctor who did the post mortem gave a false report.

The original report was found in the evidences, so court demanded the doctor. During trail doctor confessed he was bribed by Jeon Jayhun. When lawyer questioned Namjoon about it, he gave the statement that he knew.

During Iseul's murder case hearings it was unveiled that Jeon Jayhun hired the assassin to kill Iseul making it look like a murder. When Jayhun found humself trapped from all sides he had no choice but to confess.

Namjoon acted upon Seokjin's words, he revealed in court about him and Iseul, their last conversation which was testified by the recording of their call, an hidden evidence from the case in past.

The official detective of that case was also caught and proved to be guilty to work for Jeon Jayhun.

"So, you testify that you are aware of your father's involvement in Min Iseul's murder." The prosecutor questioned.


"Then why didn't you go to police to reveal it? Given that you claim to love Iseul and your unborn child."

"I was threatened. I had no choice." Namjoon spoke.

"Theatened by whom?"

"I....w-was...threatened by my father." the gasps left out of the mouths of people in the courtroom. The case was getting more and more hideous. Yoongi, Taehyung, Seokjin was there for hearing. It had been a two months since the trial were going on.

Not once Taehyung had seen Jungkook, attending them. He had no news of elder, except for the divorce papers he received a month ago from elder's lawyer which were already signed. To this day Taehyung was finding courage to sign them. Alot had happened in these two months.

"How? I mean how your father Jeon Jayhun threatened you?" Prosecutor said. Jeon Jayhun was also present in the courtroom being associated to this case.

"When I found out that Iseul was pregnant with my child. I came to dad for asking help because I wanted to tell it to my brother. He convinced me that Jungkook was never going to forgive me and he will not allow us to fight over a girl.

I begged him for help but I was reminded of my incompetence again and again. Then he assured me that he will take care of the matter. He sent me to Italy for a meeting. Court already knows I was not in Korea at the time of her death and I used to work in Jeon Corp as CFO.

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