35. Traitor

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Jeon Jungkook

It feels like you hit the ocean bottom when someone who you've relied on, for your whole life betrays you. My stomach felt weak and my head pounded looking at the evidences Taehyung was showing me.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I looked at the screen over and over again to find a reason to say that it was not him. Not my best friend and advisor who has been on my side as long as I knew.

You know when your whole life you think that no matter if the whole world turn against you that person would stand by my side. That's what Hyunjin is for me. Yes, Hyunjin, Taehyung was showing me the pictures of Hyunjin kissing Lee Felix who happens to be Min Yoongi's secretary.

Now it made sense the expensive gift that he sent on my wedding was a mockery because he already knew what I've been upto.

"I am sorry... If I had told you this at right time. Then you would've done something when there was time. I am sorry hyung." Taehyung said looking down fidgeting his fingers.

"It is not your fault, how would you know anything." I said to assure him that I hold nothing against him.

"I'll always feel guilty that if I was careful enough than you won't be facing this today." a tear escaped his eye.

"Don't beat yourself to this guilt love, it's you who made me realize the reason of my failure. I am thankful to you Taehyung." I said holding his hand.

"Your dignity and reputation is now mine too hyung. I'll be by your side and we will get through this." he squeezed back my hand.


"Explain" I said placing mobile infront of Hyunjin. Who was now present infront of me. I wanted to hear from his mouth that why he betrayed me? Was this person worth more than my trust to him. Although evidences was infront of my eyes but I still wanted him to confess.

"Jungkook look I know what you are thinking but its not........"

"I need to hear fucking truth." I banged my both palms against the table, a hard sound resonated in my office room, Taehyung cornered back where he was sitting.

"I am telling the truth. I didn't leak anything regarding you or office. I and him are totally for benefit." Hyunjin lied again.

"Oh right.... If that's so then why didn't you tell me of this so called beneficial relation of yours with my rival's secretary? Huh? Is his ass worth more than our years of friendship and trust? Huh?" I said controlling my outburst.

"Look Jungkook, if I have told you then you would react the same. Do you think so low of me to trade company's information for a fuck?"

"I don't know, you tell me? You are the one forging relations with my enemy."

"Jungkook, I did not...." Before he could say anything I make him stand pulling from his collar.

"How dare you to lie in my face after seeing the evidence. Huh? Only you and I know about the details? Then how the fucking Min got to know it before? Because he used you through his whore of a secretary and you fucking betrayed me. I don't know what else he knows about my company. How long this has been going huh? If it wasn't for these pictures I would've not known anything. You should be ashamed at yourself you for calling yourself my best friend." I jerked away his collar.

"You trust the word of this person who sent you these pictures over mine? Pictures don't mean anything. "

"Are you for real denying this, it this evidence. Are you going to deny this?" I flashed mobile at his face.

"No, I will not deny this. I told you, I didn't tell him anything. We both don't talk business." he yelled.

"Then how did Min know? Just answer me this. Do you have any evidence to prove yourself innocent?" I asked him.

There was silence a deafening silence. "That's what I thought, don't you dare show me your face again Hyunjin and you are fired." I said turning my back on him.

"Jungkook please see...."

"Leave..." I announced.

I heard foot steps until the door opened and closed. I sighed, tears forming in my eyes as I fell down on my knees.

"Hyung..." Taehyung ran towards me, hugging me from side as I latched onto his arm for support.

"It hurts Taehyung.... Why he did this? Why? I trusted him all my life."

"I am sorry Jungkook. I am sorry." he patted my hair softly. He tilted my face a little and swiped my tears off with his thumbs softly. He pecked forehead as I do to his. It gave me a sense of calm and safety.

"Everyone will know this soon, it will make a huge crack in my reputation as a CEO. They will think I am not worthy of this position."

"No, this issue will not leave this room. No one has to know yet. We will try one more time. If it doesn't work then everyone will know eventually after the annual gala. But not yet." he said making me stand and leading me to the couch.

"I know you are hurt hyung and you need time to process but we don't have time. We need to work on it."

"Tae there is nothing to work on, it's already gone."

"No, it isn't, While my time being a data analyst I've been studying about our previous dealings and market trends. I need you to trust me."

" See this here", he placed the laptop infront of me. "Mins might have offered them Chinese market but it will cost Shawn's more marketing investment. If we offer them revised plan by adding warehouses that will be build by us and Shawn's would have zero cost to pay us. They just have to sale their products, marketing, warehouse labore cost all will be handled by Jeons. You already have Xiao's as an alley in Chinese market so it won't be a problem securing land and construction. "

"But it will cost us alot. What if investors and share holders come back at me for making this deal by going out of the line."

"I know it is out of the line but you know that Shawn's products are high in demand in Chinese market. Through my rough estimate we will be able to cover the cost within 6 months after the products are launched. We will offer 42% of profit for the first year of sales in Chinese market it will help us to secure our amount back with reduction of 35% for upcoming years. For the Korean market we will reduce our profit to 34% which is less than Min."

"This is a risk Taehyung. What if we didn't make it back in 6 months."

"We will hyung, I've done my research. Even with no proper marketing or brandinv, each year ten million people make international purchase for Shawn products. They don't mind paying over seas shipment. But when we launch it locally, how many  more people will purchase. You were right about the potential market. "

"Alright, Can you please call in head of data analysis department Mr. Jung. I need to take his advise regarding it and then we can start it." I told him and Taehyung nodded his head.


"So, Mr. Jung what do you think. Is it doable?" I asked.

He cleared his throat looking at me and then Taehyung, adjusting his glasses he spoke, "Yes, Mr. Jeon it is doable but it has risk. Until the brand make its launch we might have to face opposing comments from the directors or share holders. Once the fruits start coming in, we in particular you would have to face speculations but it will work for sure."

"Alright Mr. Jung I want you to work with head of finance department and make me a plan of total investment that Jeons need for this purpose and the potential profit margin. I need it by tomorrow morning. Also, keep this top secret until it is confirmed. Do you understand? "

"Yes sir, it would be done in complete secrecy." he assured me. At this point I can trust no one beside Taehyung. Well, no one wants to loose their jobs so they might do what I require of them.


I feel bad for Jungkook 🤧🤧😔😔

Love from my side 💜

Illusion | Taekook ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن